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[Question: Problem with Stripe integration collecting name and email from s... #112

Open dcolley opened 3 years ago

dcolley commented 3 years ago

Source: copied from https://www.facebook.com/groups/integromat/permalink/3972086552901948/

[Question: Problem with Stripe integration collecting name and email from subscription customers] Hello, I am trying to create an scenario with Stripe and I cannot (I'm new in Integromat).

What I want is when a user pays for a subscription plan, that I send his mail and email to GetResponse.

I press "run this module only" and I make a test making a subscription from my web. I press the bubble and I see the mapping panel. And I don't see the email or the name of the customer.

Should I choose another group? I dont find a group and event corresponding to my objectives.

I have seen examples of scenarios and I see "new customer", but maybe the user that buy the plan was already a customer, so he is not new? And when I test that I dont see the correct email in the mapping examples.

Could you help me with that?

Thank you very much

dcolley commented 3 years ago

Comment ID: 3973169119460358 Try selecting payment intent created

dcolley commented 3 years ago

Comment ID: 3973837879393482 With payment intent created I have the email but I dont have the name of the subscription plan! I need it for filtering customers. Is there a way to select both options? Or is there a group and event wher both fields are found? Thank you very much

dcolley commented 3 years ago

Comment ID: 3974075602703043 Fer Gascón With the subscription ID that you get from this, you could perform a search in another module to get the info you need?

dcolley commented 3 years ago

Comment ID: 3974654569311813 Adam Do you mean a search as part of the steps in the integromat scenario? Or do you mean a search in stripe to look for other event more adequate?