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Hi there! I'm trying to set a looooong constant number to a Zoho Books Crea... #114

Open dcolley opened 3 years ago

dcolley commented 3 years ago

Source: copied from https://www.facebook.com/groups/integromat/permalink/3971757172934886/

Hi there! I'm trying to set a looooong constant number to a Zoho Books Create Estimate module, as an index to target a custom field. The number I'm supposed to pass is actually too long, so that if I provide it as a plain number, it'll be rounded before getting sent. That's a known javascript limitation, and the workaround is to turn the number into a string. Unfortunately, I can't provide it as toString(90878097896378963) either, since once saved, it'll be rounded as well! Even composing a string with the value won't work: the field module seems to make the value wrong, whatever the method Any idea of a syntax, or method to provide this value here?

dcolley commented 3 years ago

Comment ID: 3971819659595304 Hii brother same thing was faced by me. I used tostring to convert number in to string and then use it. This might help you try converting this to string in set module

dcolley commented 3 years ago

Comment ID: 3971891059588164 Hi Rahul Yadav. Thanks for your suggestion. Indeed, I also used this method successfuly in another module. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to work here. When set through a Set Variable or Compose a String module, their output is fine (the number's not rounded), but what's actually sent to Zoho Books finally gets rounded. As if the field itself processes its content as a number afterwards, whatever it is, and whenever any relevant value passed here couldn't be shorter, since all Zoho Books entity IDs are that long 😔

dcolley commented 3 years ago

Comment ID: 3971901436253793 Tanguy Mérel is really upsetting bro i was facing this problem with asna and tostring worked for me. Try contacting zoho customer support

dcolley commented 3 years ago

Comment ID: 3972059932904610 Did you try to use set variables instead of compose a string?

dcolley commented 3 years ago

Comment ID: 3972088876235049 Stepan Doktor yep. And also to serve the value from a data store. With no more luck :(

dcolley commented 3 years ago

Comment ID: 3972096366234300 Tanguy Mérel that might be also an Integromat issue. In the module parameters(in the app itself) they can have it as number. So Integromat automatically converts it. I had a similar issue with Zoho Invoices. Is this case, only custom api call will work. To see if I’m right, install the Integromat debugger extension and look at the request that is sent.

dcolley commented 3 years ago

Comment ID: 3973667549410515 Stepan Doktor Ok, solved, I got mistaken with what ID actually is. Getting an estimate where I already set manually the value I wanted to provide, I figured the ID was basically "3".