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# **Dynamic Token URL possible in a connection?** To use** Microsoft Graph... #135

Open dcolley opened 2 years ago

dcolley commented 2 years ago

Source: copied from https://www.facebook.com/groups/integromat/permalink/3971914939585776/

Dynamic Token URL possible in a connection?

To use Microsoft Graph API I have set up an Azure application follow this instruction: https://www.integromat.com/en/help/calling-microsoft-graph-rest-api-via-the-http-make-a-oauth-2-0-request-module

Since I want to access a folder shared with me externally, I would need to use the sharer's tenant-id in the token url. I am also expecting multiple organizations sharing with me, so thinking of how I can update token URL dynamically with different tenant-ids depending on who is sharing.

Is this know to anyone?

Can for instant use non-auth http module and pack everything into the header?!?

Any pointers are highly appreciated!

dcolley commented 2 years ago

Comment ID: 3972052579572012 Hello. It can be done, but only using custom apps or custom http request. Dynamic connections is not a feature of Integromat:(