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Trying to figure out how to enter a client ID for this scenario. Basicall... #149

Open dcolley opened 2 years ago

dcolley commented 2 years ago

Source: copied from https://www.facebook.com/groups/integromat/permalink/3969585936485343/

Trying to figure out how to enter a client ID for this scenario.

Basically whenever this scenario runs, it creates a bunch of folders for a unique project for this customer.

I would like to enter the customer name, which will always be the same but I get this invalid number error? I will have different scenarios for different customers... Any ideas?

dcolley commented 2 years ago

Comment ID: 3969639913146612 By the looks of it, the client ID will have to be numerical. I'm not that familiar with Toggl, so can't really help you find that I'm afraid. They might have a client data export file somewhere, but if they don't display that number somewhere, it's going to be a bit troublesome.

dcolley commented 2 years ago

Comment ID: 3969642746479662 Thomas Strosse it’s what I thought at first, but when you enter the client in Toggl you can only input a name 🤷🏼‍♂️

dcolley commented 2 years ago

Comment ID: 3969645406479396 Francis Deslauriers yeah, it’s a bit weird. I just checked an old account I had, and the only way to get the ID seems to be to export a report with the client data. There might be another way, but couldn’t find it immediately. Maybe check in with their support where/how you can see it?

dcolley commented 2 years ago

Comment ID: 3969729089804361 Thomas Strosse yeah I’ll try that tomorrow 👍🏻

dcolley commented 2 years ago

Comment ID: 3969766999800570 I haven't used toggl modules but have you try with get client or retrieve client module??

dcolley commented 2 years ago

Comment ID: 3970216766422260 Hii brother client ID is the unique id attached to a person. So if you want to access any contact you must provide there contact id so everytime first you have to search for contacts so that you get an contact id

dcolley commented 2 years ago

Comment ID: 3971067286337208 Integromat tells me i'll probably have to fiddle with this because there is no way to retrieve an ID using standard modules... Oh well