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Since yesterday the integrations with Infusionsoft stopped working. The in... #158

Open dcolley opened 2 years ago

dcolley commented 2 years ago

Source: copied from https://www.facebook.com/groups/integromat/permalink/3974215532689050/

Since yesterday the integrations with Infusionsoft stopped working.

The integrations with Infusionsoft started giving this error: [429] [Collection]

I tried to relink each of the integrations, but the problem is that Integromat does not connect with Infusionsoft

Please urgent solution.

dcolley commented 2 years ago

Comment ID: 3974357809341489 To learn more details about the error install the Integromat DevTool: https://www.integromat.com/en/help/integromat-devtool It will allow you to explore the full content of the HTTP API response including the HTTP headers that may contain valuable information (see the link in the next comment). P.S.: 429 HTTP status code represents 'Too many requests' error.

dcolley commented 2 years ago

Comment ID: 3974373969339873 https://developer.infusionsoft.com/api-token-quota-and-usage-measurements/

dcolley commented 2 years ago

Comment ID: 3974633345980602 I am currently experiencing the same issue. Have you created a ticket?

dcolley commented 2 years ago

Comment ID: 3974733979303872

dcolley commented 2 years ago

Comment ID: 3975269455916991 Michal Masa I have 3 Infusionsoft accounts integrated in Integromat doing different things. All these integrations fail at the same time. Is not a problem with API Token Quota. Solution urgently please.

dcolley commented 2 years ago

Comment ID: 3975292265914710 I'm also having a hard time with this....

dcolley commented 2 years ago

Comment ID: 3975397072570896 Tim from Integromat support is on it 🤞🏻