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The new Slack module won't let me post as a bot user, only myself. Am I mis... #159

Open dcolley opened 2 years ago

dcolley commented 2 years ago

Source: copied from https://www.facebook.com/groups/integromat/permalink/3933630576747546/

The new Slack module won't let me post as a bot user, only myself. Am I missing something? This is a huge downgrade and my original Slack connection has now been expired as I made the error of testing the new connection

dcolley commented 2 years ago

Comment ID: 3941575272619743 Yeah I am going to switch the module to HTTP request using incoming webhook.

Integromat Things like this should be announced LONG BEFORE and REPEATEDLY.

dcolley commented 2 years ago

Comment ID: 3942095202567750 Ugh, noticed this as well. Not a pleasant surprise to start the week with 😬.....

Also, there's the new block builder now in the v4, but can that also be used to send an attachment message as that option does not exist in the v4 anymore?

dcolley commented 2 years ago

Comment ID: 3943115019132435 Have you managed to get this working? I've tried posting JSON to the "Make an API request" module and had no luck.

dcolley commented 2 years ago

Comment ID: 3943945812382689 Have you set up your app on slack and "incoming webhook"? What's the return of http module is saying?

dcolley commented 2 years ago

Comment ID: 3943975392379731 No I’m just using the slack API request module, not the generic HTTP one. I’m getting back a 200 json_not_object error

dcolley commented 2 years ago

Comment ID: 3944203662356904 I haven't used it because with webhook I don't have to keep the token. Let me try.

dcolley commented 2 years ago

Comment ID: 3944304649013472 I neither had any luck with "Make an API Call" in slack module but HTTP request with token worked.

You should give up and use incoming wehook. It's this easy as in the pic. Post to url with {"text":"test"} That's it. No headers.

dcolley commented 2 years ago

Comment ID: 3974218486022088 Andy Aitken Romet Kallas Have you found a way to work around this limitation ?

My main problem now is that I don't get Slack notifications anymore, because Slack considers that I wrote the message so there is no reason to notify me... It drives me crazy !

dcolley commented 2 years ago

Comment ID: 3974228032687800 The Integromat bot still can post in any channel without issues. Just make sure it's added to the actual channel.

We're using it day in and out with 500+ active agency clients and works perfectly.

dcolley commented 2 years ago

Comment ID: 3974299319347338 Hah, yes I had the same issue Laurène Wat

I decided to go the HTTP request route. Just to keep the flexibility on being able to use "attachement blocks" with OCD colors and prevent this happening again.

BUT, I do think the new version actually allows to use bot messages again, you just have to switch out the old modules with the new version I believe (haven't tried it yet myself)

dcolley commented 2 years ago

Comment ID: 3974421616001775 Yep, that fix was added a couple of days ago

dcolley commented 2 years ago

Comment ID: 3974422809334989 Correct - they added a fix to allow bot posting a week ago maybe which does indeed work!

dcolley commented 2 years ago

Comment ID: 3974544089322861 Andy Aitken awesome, I didn't know that! How do you do it? I do not have any "post as bot" option in the Slack V4 Create message module...

dcolley commented 2 years ago

Comment ID: 3974549839322286 Romet Kallas thank you for your reply. I would like to avoid using HTTP requests, I have dozens and dozens of Slack modules so that would really not be ideal...

I can't find the new bot option, how did you hear about that update?