Please provide instruction on how to customise image and include additional C libs and/or Python dependencies.
Initial thought was to use GRANT_SUDO and install what I need in terminal just to be able to test the installation of C libs and Python dependencies. But looks like GRANT_SUDO is disabled?
Second thought was to include the additional dependencies into the Dockerfile and rebuild image and tag it for my own use. Before adding any additional things I've tried to build the image as it is but build fail with:
Traceback (most recent call last): File "/opt/conda/bin/conda", line 7, in <module> from conda.cli import main ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'conda'
Upon investigation looks like it fail at the line ${CONDA_DIR}/bin/conda env update --json -q -f "${CONDA_DIR}/${CONDA_ENV_YML}"
Do I miss anything? How I can customise the image?
Please provide instruction on how to customise image and include additional C libs and/or Python dependencies.
Initial thought was to use GRANT_SUDO and install what I need in terminal just to be able to test the installation of C libs and Python dependencies. But looks like GRANT_SUDO is disabled?
Second thought was to include the additional dependencies into the Dockerfile and rebuild image and tag it for my own use. Before adding any additional things I've tried to build the image as it is but build fail with:
Traceback (most recent call last): File "/opt/conda/bin/conda", line 7, in <module> from conda.cli import main ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'conda'
Upon investigation looks like it fail at the line
${CONDA_DIR}/bin/conda env update --json -q -f "${CONDA_DIR}/${CONDA_ENV_YML}"
Do I miss anything? How I can customise the image?