dcosson / vagrant-unison2

Vagrant plugin to sync local files to VM using Unison over SSH
MIT License
50 stars 8 forks source link

Looking for a new maintainer for this repo #36

Open dcosson opened 7 years ago

dcosson commented 7 years ago

Hey all,

I stumbled upon this library over a year ago, and it solved a problem on our eng team which was doing development in Vagrant at the time. Since the original maintainer seems to have abandoned it, and I needed a way to distribute it to our team anyway, I decided to make a new public gem for it in case others found it useful.

It does seem like quite a few people have found it useful since then based on the number of issues here and > 6k downloads from ruby gems, which is pretty cool.

Our team has since switched to docker for mac and away from vagrant (and fwiw, in that world we now use docker-sync which is a unison-based tool very similar to this library). Because of this I no longer use this library anymore at all, and I don't really have the time to maintain it outside of work, especially things like testing patches people are sending in, investigating Windows bugs since I don't use Windows at all, etc.

But I'd hate to see it slip into disrepair again. So if anyone wants to take over maintaining it, I'm happy to transfer the rubygem and github repo over to you. Please email me if interested, my email is just my github username at gmail dot com.

Toilal commented 6 years ago

Hi @dcosson,

I actualy need to maintain and add some features on this plugin.

I'm building a custom Docker VM based on Vagrant for windows development environments. Currently we are using vagrant-winnfsd to mount host directories in VM, but for performance reasons I wish to switch to unison.

I plan to add support for multiple directories, maybe using vagrant sync_folders API to make it consistent with vagrant-winnfsd.

I'll send you an email with my infos from rubygems.