dcposch / scramble

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What Version Is Used For Install Script? #46

Open teamcoltra opened 10 years ago

teamcoltra commented 10 years ago

I have been playing around with this, I have used both 32bit and 64bit ubuntu versions (but 13.04) and I was wondering what distro I needed? None are working with the binary.

I keep getting -bash: ./scramble: No such file or directory

I also was having difficulties compiling from scratch but of course I would because I am pretty much an idiot <3

jaekwon commented 10 years ago

Yeah the quick-start is outdated... Try the steps for compiling, and I'll help you get set up if you have any issues!

teamcoltra commented 10 years ago

Can you link to the steps for compiling from scratch? I have already tried compiling but ran into tons of issues, even after I got go and stuff installed I was still getting an error message (which I have sense re-installed ubuntu, so I can't re-create it).

If I could get at least a dependency list it would be helpful. What version / arch are you running your scramble on so I can match up exactly?

jaekwon commented 10 years ago

We're running Ubuntu 64.

Have you tried this wiki page? -> https://github.com/dcposch/scramble/wiki/Developer-Quick-Start

I'll follow the steps now from scratch and see if there's anything missing.