dcppc / data-stewards

Questions and answers about TOPmed, GTEx, and AGR resources.
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Presentation of: GO term enrichment tools to the cloud from AGR. #13

Open owhite opened 6 years ago

owhite commented 6 years ago

This thread to serve as a request for a presentation at the next Data Stewards / DCPPC call on Alliance for Genome Resources (AGR) Supplement Aims. Specific Aim 1: "Alliance for Genome Resources (AGR) Supplement Aims"

Length of presentation: 15 minutes or less.

Call/presentation time TBD.

cmungall commented 6 years ago

Will also assign @thomaspd when he accepts invite to join project.

I did a 5 minute presentation at the DC kickoff (I discovered we were doing this the night before, so slides are not very polished). Could be used as a basis: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1UBMhk9ivSbyLsfe_4XwKbtLwVQU5rNXJWxHYOmWoVvI/edit#slide=id.p

thomaspd commented 6 years ago

Yes, @cmungall and/or I can do this presentation. What are some possible dates?

maryshimoyama commented 6 years ago

I added on another thread that I could do the disease annotator