dcppc / metadata-matrix

Mapping of metadata elements that are common to the TopMed, GTEx and MODs.
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JSON schema for mappings #2

Open cmungall opened 6 years ago

cmungall commented 6 years ago

Should the JSON be able to represent different types of mapping?

There are different schemes available


exact, broad, narrow, related

Note in skos exact is weaker than true equivalence. It is not transitive.


EquivalentClass, SubClassOf

Note that OWL equivalence is strict logical equivalence. Symmetry and transitivity hold. This means if A Equiv B, B Equiv C, then A Equiv C


obo format provides xrefs but these are not logical relations and are not precisely defined. Different ontologies use xref differently, and in some ontologies the meaning of xref varies tremendously within that ontology.

Different ontologies support a mix of each, as each type of mapping has it's own consumers. For OWL reasoning logical mappings are necessary

An additional wrinkle with Uberon is that Uberon classes are not strictly equivalent to FMA classes, since Uberon is species-neutral and FMA is species-specific. Instead we represent using OWL axioms of the form:

FMA:Heart = UBERON:Heart and part_of some NCBITaxon:9606

These are distributed here: http://uberon.github.io/downloads.html#bridge

Docs are in the uberon paper and on https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/wiki/inter-anatomy-ontology-bridge-ontologies


Choices here are

The obo json format is described here https://github.com/geneontology/obographs/ And in this blog: https://douroucouli.wordpress.com/2016/10/04/a-developer-friendly-json-exchange-format-for-ontologies/

I think the obo json makes a good choice for representing subsets of ontologies, including mappings. Should we adopt this here?