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Society of Biblical Literature (SBL) style files for biblatex
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Duplicate in author index #52

Closed lyndondrake closed 7 years ago

lyndondrake commented 7 years ago

I'm trying to produce an author index, which is mostly working fine. But I get one duplicate:

Joosten, Jan, 13, 35, 36, 38
Joosten, Jan, 34

Here are the relevant .bib entries:

  location = {{Leiden; Boston, MA; Köln}},
  title = {Pseudo-Classicisms in {{Late Biblical Hebrew}}, in {{Ben Sira}}, and in {{Qumran Hebrew}}},
  timestamp = {2017-06-12T07:12:25Z},
  number = {XXXIII},
  booktitle = {Sirach, Scrolls, and Sages: {{Proceedings}} of a Second International Symposium on the {{Hebrew}} of the {{Dead Sea Scrolls}}, {{Ben Sira}}, and the {{Mishnah}}, Held at {{Leiden University}}, 15–17 {{December}} 1997},
  series = {Studies on the Texts of the Desert of Judah},
  publisher = {{Brill}},
  author = {Joosten, Jan},
  editor = {Muraoka, T and Elwolde, J. F.},
  date = {1999},
  pages = {146--59},
  keywords = {lib:OCHJS,lib:OI},
  file = {Joosten 1999 Pseudo-classicisms in Late Biblical Hebrew, in Ben Sira, and in Qumran Hebrew.pdf:/Users/lyndon/Documents/Media/Bookshelf/Joosten 1999 Pseudo-classicisms in Late Biblical Hebrew, in Ben Sira, and in Qumran Hebrew.pdf:application/pdf},
  shortseries = {STDJ}

  location = {{Piscataway, NJ}},
  title = {Language and Textual History of the {{Syriac Bible}}: Collected Studies},
  isbn = {978-1-61143-891-8},
  shorttitle = {Language and Textual History of the {{Syriac Bible}}},
  timestamp = {2017-06-10T17:58:25Z},
  langid = {english},
  number = {9},
  series = {Texts and Studies (Gorgias Press)},
  publisher = {{Gorgias}},
  author = {Joosten, Jan},
  date = {2013},
  keywords = {Aramaic language. Y,Aramean language,Aramean language N,Bible. Syriac Criticism; Textual.,Biblical Aramaic language,Biblical Aramaic language N,Chaldaic language,Chaldaic language N,Chaldean language (Aramaic),Chaldean language (Aramaic) N,Chaldee language,Chaldee language N,lib:OI,Syriac language. Y},
  groups = {To read}

  location = {{Tübingen}},
  title = {Language as Symptom: Linguistic Clues to the Social Background of the {{Seventy}}},
  isbn = {978-3-16-151733-4},
  shorttitle = {Language as Symptom},
  timestamp = {2017-06-12T07:11:58Z},
  langid = {english},
  number = {83},
  booktitle = {Collected Studies on the {{Septuagint}}: From Language to Interpretation and Beyond},
  series = {Forschungen zum Alten Testament},
  publisher = {{Mohr Siebeck}},
  author = {Joosten, Jan},
  date = {2012},
  pages = {185--194},
  keywords = {Bible. Old Testament. Greek Versions Septuagint.},
  shortseries = {FAT}

  location = {{Leiden}},
  title = {Exegesis in the {{Septuagint}} Version of {{Hosea}}},
  isbn = {978-90-04-11154-7},
  timestamp = {2017-06-12T07:32:08Z},
  langid = {english},
  number = {40},
  booktitle = {Intertextuality in {{Ugarit}} and {{Israel}}: {{Papers}} Read at the {{Tenth Joint Meeting}} of the {{Society}} for {{Old Testament Study}} and {{Het Oudtestamentisch Werkgezelschap}} in {{Nederland}} En {{Belgie}}},
  series = {Oudtestamentische Studiën},
  publisher = {{Brill}},
  author = {Joosten, Jan},
  editor = {de Moor, Johannes C.},
  date = {1998},
  pages = {62--85},
  keywords = {Antico Testamento N,Bible. Antico Testamento N,Bible. Hebrew Bible N,Bible. Hebrew Scriptures N,Bible. Kitve-ḳodesh N,Bible. Miḳra N,Bible. Old Testament Criticism; interpretation; etc. Congresses. Y,Bible. Palaia Diathēkē N,Bible. Pentateuch; Prophets; and Hagiographa N,Bible. Phanthasanyā Dœ̄m N,Bible. Sean-Tiomna N,Bible. Stary Testament N,Bible. Tanakh N,Bible. Tawrāt N,Bible. Torah; Neviʼim; Ketuvim N,Bible. Torah; Neviʼim u-Khetuvim N,Bible. Velho Testamento N,Hebrew Bible N,Hebrew Scriptures N,Intertextuality in the Bible Congresses. Y,Kitve-ḳodesh N,lib:Gladstone,Miḳra N,Old Testament N,Palaia Diathēkē N,Pentateuch; Prophets; and Hagiographa N,priority:high,Sean-Tiomna N,Stary Testament N,Tanakh N,Tawrāt N,Torah; Neviʼim; Ketuvim N,Torah; Neviʼim u-Khetuvim N,Ugaritic literature Relation to the Old Testament Congresses. Y,Velho Testamento N},
  options = {useprefix=true},
  shortseries = {OtSt}

By checking the page numbers, I can tell that it is the last of these that produces the duplicate. But Ican't for the life of me figure out what's different about the author name.

In the bibliography itself, the name is correctly recognised:

Joosten, Jan. “Exegesis in the Septuagint Version of Hosea.” Pages 62–85 in Intertextuality in Ugarit and Israel: Papers Read at the Tenth Joint Meeting of the Society for Old Testament Study and Het Oudtestamentisch Werkgezelschap in Nederland En Belgie. Edited by Johannes C. de Moor. OtSt 40. Leiden: Brill, 1998.

. LanguageandTextualHistoryoftheSyriacBible:CollectedStudies. Texts and Studies (Gorgias Press) 9. Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias, 2013.

. “Language as Symptom: Linguistic Clues to the Social Background of the Seventy.” Pages 185–94 in Collected Studies on the Septuagint: From Language to Interpretation and Beyond. FAT 83. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2012.

. “Pseudo-Classicisms in Late Biblical Hebrew, in Ben Sira, and in Qumran Hebrew.” Pages 146–59 in Sirach, Scrolls, and Sages: Proceedings of a Second International SymposiumontheHebrewoftheDeadSeaScrolls,BenSira,andtheMishnah,HeldatLeiden University, 15–17 December 1997. Edited by T Muraoka and J. F. Elwolde. STDJ XXXIII. Leiden; Boston, MA; Köln: Brill, 1999.
dcpurton commented 7 years ago

Your bibentry for Joosten:1998a has options={useprefix=true}. This causes biblatex to see it as a different author even though there actually is no prefix in the name.

lyndondrake commented 7 years ago

Ah OK. After messing around with it I've figured out that it comes from Zotero, which adds the tag because of the editor's name. Thanks for the prompt response.

dcpurton commented 7 years ago

Interesting. SBL requires names like de Moor to be sorted under Moor. So the useprefix option is actually wrong here anyway. It does, however, sort names like John Van Seters under Van Seters. See SBLHS § for details on sorting names with a prefix (basically, it seems to depend on whether the prefix is capitalised or not).

I can't think of a real world situation where you'd care about whether a secondary editor (or translator, etc.) needed to control the prefix, because I doubt you'd want to index them and they aren't sorted by that field in the bibliography. Even then useprefix is able to be set on a per-namelist scope, so you might be able to do some kind of magic with a source map.

I would try and disable zotero from automatically setting this option, since it won't correctly pick the primary name field in every case no matter how clever it tries to be.

lyndondrake commented 7 years ago

Annoyingly, it's not a field zotero exposes in the UI, but it does set it on export. It might well do so with the records it supplies to citeproc.js for its own document formatting too, but I haven't checked.

I can probably do something with the BetterBibTex plugin to override it, but for the moment, I've just (incorrectly) changed the editor field and put the prefix in the first name field. And yep, I knew that from the SBL style guide (which I'm becoming depressingly well-acquainted with, though no doubt not as well as you are!). It's one of the less-sensible parts of the guide, IMO, and perhaps reflects a North American viewpoint on European surnames? But there's no point me arguing with the style guide - "ours is not to reason why etc." :-)