dcramer / wp-lifestream

Lifestreaming plugin for Wordpress
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Timestamps #72

Open janreinhardt opened 13 years ago

janreinhardt commented 13 years ago


timestamps of the events are messed up. this surely has to do with timezones, timestamps of twitter an google+ events (in my case) and the timezone my wordpress install / webserver are running on (berlin, UTC +2) ?

for example, my twitter status update says 6:08 pm on twitter, and lifestream & wordpress output 4:08 pm. can this please be fixed ? (is it a bug then ?)

thanks, JAN

whistlemytune commented 13 years ago

I am having the same issue with GetGlue. By the looks of it, Lifestream is posting all of my other feeds in the timezone one hour before my own (my timezone is GMT), so GMT-1, but my GetGlue events are posting in GMT+3. I hope this can be fixed.

webarnes commented 13 years ago

I've noticed issues with timestamps in the digest system as well. There's an older bug that notes that Lifestream is very inconsistent with time stamps.

For example, I'm in Toronto (-0400 EDT). The first digest ran at 8pm EDT, but the title said 12am (ie: UTC). '__last_digest' was then set to 12am EDT. So there is a four hour gap where no digests are created.

Also, I think that the time should be stored in 'post_date_gmt' in the table rather than 'post_date'.

px commented 12 years ago

The timestamp issue seems to have been nicely fixed in branch 'next' of https://github.com/tonyduckles/wp-lifestream

I pulled it into my tree, and things are swell.

tonyduckles commented 12 years ago

FYI, my "timezone-fix" branch contains just the timezone fixes rebased on top of dcramer/wp-lifestream master. My "next" branch has some other misc fixes that I've been working on.