dcrespo3d / ZX-ESPectrum-Wiimote

A ZX spectrum 48K/128K emulator running on ESP32 powered Lilygo TTGo VGA32 v1.4 board, using PS2 keyboard and/or Wiimote as input device. Active branches are master and devkit-custom
MIT License
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Some games that used to work, now load then crash immediately or after a menu selection. #9

Closed m1zar closed 2 years ago

m1zar commented 2 years ago

Some games load then crash either immediately or after I select the start menu option. It was all working, then there where updates to the repo, updates to platform io and VS code. I rebuilt and uploaded, and everything seemed ok. But now when loading certain snapshots (or the same game in .z80 format) the game loads, and then immediately exits (jetpac) or you get the menu and music but it crashes when it loads the game screen (alien 8, knight lore, attic attack). Other games work perfectly, (Manic Miner, Exploding Fist, DarkStar, StarWars etc) It's a really strange issue. I tested all the images on another emulator, and they load and run fine. I can only guess something has changed either in loading the snapshots (though as some work, seems unlikely) or one of the dependencies. Things I have tried include... using Flash/ SDCard, complete wipe of flash and reload, alternate images of the same game (same result, be it in SNA or Z80), re-download of the repo and re-compile and upload, same result. Rolling back the dependencies, but didn't work, tried 1yr back etc). I thought it could be my esp32 vga 14 that's got an issue, but I have tried it with another one, with the same issue. I've also tried compiling with the other Z80 cpu emulation, but it crashed the same way, so it's not the Z80 emulation. One thing worthy of note is that the menu always works, so it's not a complete code crash, rather just the emulation that seems to bug out. I know it's a pain, but could you or anyone reading this please check if they re-install it (which compiles on upload) if they get similar issues or anyone else can chip in if there are any ideas for fixing it. I have uploaded a video, which is here: (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Q05LSE1ON814G_LX-qezSjzognvMvrp7/view?usp=sharing) which shows both working and non working games.

Thanks James

m1zar commented 2 years ago

OK, got it working again by going back to the on 5 Mar 2021 version. All games now work again. I might go forward a version at a time till I know what the change was that broke it for me. If I have time.