dcsaorg / DCSA-EBL

Electronic Bill of Lading
Apache License 2.0
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Chain of endorsement - assumptions and open questions #82

Open nt-gt opened 3 years ago

nt-gt commented 3 years ago

Assume that T owns the transport document Doc and wants to sell it on to E. In the physical world, T and E both signs the back side of the Doc and then E takes the document with them.

The question is how this to be reflected in the digital world?

Either way, how do we reliably restructure the Endorsement chain so we can tell that E is the true owner of the contents (and that T did not sell Doc twice)? I think we are missing some concrete format that is covered by a signature but still machine readable to ensure it can be validated easily.


I think we should look at this from two angles that should be supported side by side.

  1. The Endorsement chain link is an unstructured blob: This occurs for any physical BL / TD that is converted into an electronic version (e.g. by scanning the physical version into a PDF/zip of images). The advantage of this is that it works for anything but at the cost of requiring human verification (i.e. the system can validate the signature of the blob but a human is needed to validate it and extract structured format from it).
  2. The Endorsement chain link is in a structured format: This happens for any endorsement chain links where the BL / TD are electronic but also for further updates in an Endorsement chain that that has been converted from physical to electronic format. In this format, we can machine validate the link 100% enabling automation for all parties involved.

Both variants need to be signed.

The structured Endorsement chain link format need to assert:

Currently, we only have one public key per party and no "link" from the signature to the public key that signed it.

Public keys will be based on X.509 certificates. The standard is well known and ensures we know which signature algorithm is used for signing (as X.509 includes a signing algorithm).

Note this assumption cannot be invalid if "technology agnostic" also covers the public key/signature algorithm. However, in that case, the spec is inadequate for use in practice (as it does not cover key expiry, key rotation, key revocation, signature algorithms). Anyone implementing that spec would either de facto be forced to use something like X.509 or "invent their own crypto" (which is the top item on the list of "Do not ever do this if you want this to be secure")

raisoman commented 3 years ago

Adding some context:

Our current POC-to-be of the electronic transfer of title at DCSA consists of modelling an endorsement chain as follows:

We assume we have document (a BL) either as a binary blob or a structured document (json). Each time the title is transferred, simply append a signed "endorsement chain link" to it. In practice we would thus build up a collection of files, with the first file being the BL and the subsequent files being endorsing signatures of all the previous files concatenated. This is in essence a replication of the current paper-based process as-is.

nt-gt commented 3 years ago

Just to confirm, is it the same underlying document in the chain? As in, do we view it as a O || S1 || S2 || ... || Sn (where O is the original document, and the S1 etc. are signatures and || being a binary concat operation)?

If so, I think we need to answer the following questions:

  1. Given a bytestream of a document with all of its signatures, how do I know where the original document ends (O) and the signatures start (S1 || S2 || ... || Sn), so I can read the original document (e.g. PDF readers and Json parsers will reject files with the trailing signatures).
  2. Given the bytestream of S1 || S2 || ... || Sn, how do I split it into a list of [S1, S2, ..., Sn] such that I can validate each part of the chain? (Alternative variant can be how do I reliably pop a signature from that string as you always want to read it right-to-left if you validate signatures)

The first item is required to read the actual document, so they know what the document says. The second is required to validate the chain of endorsement.