dcsil / dream-team

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Consider Switching Fully to Yarn for Installing #163

Closed RyanMarten closed 4 years ago

RyanMarten commented 4 years ago


RyanMarten commented 4 years ago

It is possible to migrate a project using the yarn import command which uses the existing package-lock.json


ribhav99 commented 4 years ago

why though?

RyanMarten commented 4 years ago

Great question! Because it is much faster at installing, especially where the node_modules exist or there is a cache, which means our CI on Github Actions will run faster. Also there have been some versioning issues (for example this fsevents error --> try running npm test) and the suggestion has been to use yarn from online forums because it is better at resolving these versioning errors.

RyanMarten commented 4 years ago

Ok, I am going to do this now. First, I am going to investigate what has broken in sarthak's latest commit that has taken down the CI / CD

RyanMarten commented 4 years ago

ON branch https://github.com/dcsil/dream-team/tree/convert_to_yarn

RyanMarten commented 4 years ago

Now use the commands yarn install yarn start yarn build yarn add <package-name> yarn add --dev <package-name> yarn test yarn test-once

RyanMarten commented 4 years ago

This is proving to be very difficult. The caching isn't working and the firebase tools are working either. I don't think it is worth the time right now to do this