dcsr-datumo / oeuvres-roud

Project specific ontologies and lists for the project "Oeuvres complètes de Gustave Roud"
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Remove hard coded path in scripts #20

Closed gfoo closed 4 years ago

gfoo commented 4 years ago


As explained in the comment of the scrpit, this should be: spawn console.sh --force --echo --serverURL [lindex $argv 0]

but it requires to add console.sh in the PATH, that is in your case before to launch the script:

export PATH=/home/espadini/Github/LaDHUL/Knora/webapi/scripts/openrdf-console/bin/:$PATH
# to test the PATH
echo $PATH
console.sh -v
elespdn commented 4 years ago

Done https://github.com/LaDHUL/oeuvres-roud/commit/4ad98a6b4f4d32b46ba36a3c4a8b3e53b872a96f

je peux fermer ?

gfoo commented 4 years ago


Pour fermer automatiquement une issue lors d'un commit tu peux mettre closes #num

Par exemple pour celui-ci : closes #20: remove path from load onto

elespdn commented 4 years ago

closes #20: remove path from load onto