dctian / DeepPiCar

Deep Learning Autonomous Car based on Raspberry Pi, SunFounder PiCar-V Kit, TensorFlow, and Google's EdgeTPU Co-Processor
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Segmentation fault #24

Open EmilyHuang-1 opened 2 years ago

EmilyHuang-1 commented 2 years ago

Hi all, so I tried to run python3 code/coco_object_detection.py but I got a Segmentation fault error. Here's my trace output.

 --- modulename: coco_object_detection, funcname: <genexpr>
coco_object_detection.py(28):         labels = dict((int(k), v) for k, v in pairs)
 --- modulename: coco_object_detection, funcname: <genexpr>
coco_object_detection.py(27):         pairs = (l.strip().split(maxsplit=1) for l in f.readlines())
coco_object_detection.py(31):     IM_WIDTH = 640
coco_object_detection.py(32):     IM_HEIGHT = 480
coco_object_detection.py(33):     camera = cv2.VideoCapture(0)
coco_object_detection.py(34):     ret = camera.set(3,IM_WIDTH)
coco_object_detection.py(35):     ret = camera.set(4,IM_HEIGHT)
coco_object_detection.py(37):     font = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX
coco_object_detection.py(38):     bottomLeftCornerOfText = (10,IM_HEIGHT-10)
coco_object_detection.py(39):     fontScale = 1
coco_object_detection.py(40):     fontColor = (255,255,255)  # white
coco_object_detection.py(41):     boxColor = (0,0,255)   # RED?
coco_object_detection.py(42):     boxLineWidth = 1
coco_object_detection.py(43):     lineType = 2
coco_object_detection.py(45):     annotate_text = ""
coco_object_detection.py(46):     annotate_text_time = time.time()
coco_object_detection.py(47):     time_to_show_prediction = 1.0 # ms
coco_object_detection.py(48):     min_confidence = 0.20
coco_object_detection.py(51):     engine = edgetpu.detection.engine.DetectionEngine(args.model)
 --- modulename: engine, funcname: __init__
engine.py(69):     if device_path:
engine.py(72):       super().__init__(model_path)
 --- modulename: basic_engine, funcname: __init__
basic_engine.py(36):     if device_path:
basic_engine.py(40):       self._engine = BasicEnginePythonWrapper.CreateFromFile(model_path)
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::logic_error'
  what():  basic_string::_M_construct null not valid

Any help is highly appreciated. Thanks!