"I’m using a smaller computer (13” laptop) and I select “Size Class Column” in the Analyses tab. I can’t see below the first option so go to the right to find a slider (which only shows up when the options are available to choose and takes a few seconds to show up). Mouse clicking on either the slider or the arrow down or up causes the option box to close instantly. I tried more times and now occasionally when I mouse over to where the slider would be it doesn’t show up and then the option list flashing position marker
this is a duplicate of #447, which is closed, and #524 which is not.
please see the comment i left in response to #447 and re-open that original issue if it's needed still
Reviewer: "I’m using a smaller computer (13” laptop) and I select “Size Class Column” in the Analyses tab. I can’t see below the first option so go to the right to find a slider (which only shows up when the options are available to choose and takes a few seconds to show up). Mouse clicking on either the slider or the arrow down or up causes the option box to close instantly. I tried more times and now occasionally when I mouse over to where the slider would be it doesn’t show up and then the option list flashing position marker freezes."