ddaqua6 / LoRa_APRS_Meteo

LoRa APRS Meteostation, IGate and Digipeater firmware for LilyGO TTGO by OK2DDS
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spiffs.bin #1

Open ON2ACO opened 6 months ago

ON2ACO commented 6 months ago

Building FS image from 'data' directory to .pio\build\ttgo-lora32-v1\spiffs.bin error: can't read source directory *** [.pio\build\ttgo-lora32-v1\spiffs.bin] Error 1 ======================================================== [FAILED] Took 1.42 seconds ========================================================

any ideas to resolve that? i am running ON2ACO-WX with the first code and all is working perfect, i just want to try out the new one with the sps30 but i have this problem. with this fault even BPM 280 is not recognized.

thx fot any help Thierry ON2ACO http://WWW.ON2ACO.COM

ddaqua6 commented 6 months ago

Hi Thierry! Thanks for interest in the project. I tried to clone this repo and opened with platform io and I compiled it without any problem so I wasn't able to reproduce the error. Please check you have updated all components and that you platform io has internet access and that you access data on your computer. I hope this helps. If not, please reach me. Thanks!

Santibcg commented 1 month ago

Hello. I'm Santi, EB1BCG. I have difficulty finding an anemometer with a hall effect and I would like to know if I can change the code to install another type of anemometer, for example one that sends the signal in RS485 format. I love this firmware Thanks a lot.

Hola. Soy Santi, EB1BCG. Tengo dificultad para encontrar un anemómetro con efecto hall y me gustaría saber si se puede cambiar el código para instalar otro tipo de anemómetro, por ejemplo uno que manda la señal en formato RS485. Me encanta este firmware. Muchas gracias.

ddaqua6 commented 1 month ago

Hello Santi! Thank you very much for using the firmware. Certainly this is possible. Feel free to fork this repo and do the necessary changes (you'll need to implement a different library and change the procedure for reading the value). Unfortunately, time doesn't allow me to do that.

Hola Santi, muchas gracias por usar el firmware. Por cierto se puede hacer esto, puedes hacer fork de este repo y hacer los cambios necesarios (hay que instalar otra librería y cambiar la función para recibir la señal). Lo siento, pero no tengo tiempo suficiente para mí hacerlo.

73 David