ddccontrol / ddccontrol

DDC Control
GNU General Public License v2.0
600 stars 42 forks source link

Wikipedia article on DDC mentions ddccontrol as not maintained. Update the article. #72

Open aryoda opened 4 years ago

aryoda commented 4 years ago

The wikipedia article on DDC has link at the end:

ddccontrol: Linux software which uses DDC/CI to control monitors supporting this protocol. (Seems to be not supported and not maintained at this time).

Even though the linked sourceforge project is old ddccontrol is actively maintained here now.

This should be reflected in the article...

rzr commented 4 years ago

I changed the page and cross linked it:


10110111 commented 4 years ago

The following message also doesn't help perceive ddccontrol as maintained:

=============================== WARNING ===============================
There is no support for your monitor in the database, but ddccontrol is
using a generic profile for your monitor's manufacturer. Some controls
may not be supported, or may not work as expected.
Please update ddccontrol-db, or, if you are already using the latest
version, please send the output of the following command to

LANG= LC_ALL= ddccontrol -p -c -d

Thank you.
=============================== WARNING ===============================

At the mailing list referenced here, it seems only the users sending the reports are active, and no response to their mail appears to happen. I suppose the message should point somewhere to the GitHub-based list/issue tracker.

stefan123t commented 2 years ago

What is more a pointer towards how to create the monitor specific ddccontrol-db with the required XML files would be appreciated. Just started digging into edid and ddccontrol and found the following commands to be quite helpful too:

for i in $(find /sys/devices/ |grep -i edid); do echo $i; xxd $i; echo; done
edid-decode < /sys/class/drm/card0-DP-5/edid
sudo get-edid -q -b 11 | xxd
sudo get-edid -q -b 11 | parse-edid

xrandr --props

stefan123t commented 2 years ago

Just found the instructions under the ddccontrol-db: https://github.com/ddccontrol/ddccontrol-db/blob/master/doc/how-to-add-a-monitor.md

genodeftest commented 6 months ago

Wikipedia page is updated, can you please close this issue?