ddd-crew / ddd-starter-modelling-process

If you're new to DDD and not sure where to start, this process will guide you step-by-step
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Add initial version of a DDD Starter Modelling Process #1

Closed cakper closed 4 years ago

cakper commented 4 years ago

Hello everyone! Together with @NTCoding we've put together an initial version of the starter process documentation. We would appreciate any feedback that you can give us - especially around the steps, resources and reasons why we think a particular step is required.

NTCoding commented 4 years ago

I hope, my feedback does not feel rude, it is not my intent at all! I think we have a totally different view regarding organisations and some parts of this paper have woken a few bad memories in me 😆


This is good. Including as many diverse perspectives as possible will help us to avoid blind spots and giving out the wrong messages.

Thank you, and please continue to share your valuable feedback whenever you feel inclined.

selketjah commented 4 years ago

This morning someone asked how they could start introducing DDD into their company if they were the only one interested in it and had a very beginners level (not feeling very confident) and Nick mentioned this starters kit.

I think this is a great starters kit for a team or company that is genuinely interested in introducing DDD into their company. I am not convinced that this is an helpful starters kit for people like the attendee we had this morning.

I think that would be different kind of starters kit, maybe not a starters kit but just tips and tricks such as:

I am not sure, I feel it was more this type of advice they were looking for and I think that will also be valuable for beginners

NTCoding commented 4 years ago


As discussed during our mini-mob call. We will set up a meetup to identify techniques for adopting DDD in a gradual way.

cakper commented 4 years ago

I like how you reworked Who to Involve section - makes it clearer now and we can avoid calling out specific positions.

trondhjort commented 4 years ago


Sorry for the late response. Great stuff this, even though I'm a bit worried that people with copy it whole-cloth and end up over-designing. Let's hope not.

I have a couple of comments:

If you haven't seen it, also like Andrew Hamel-Law's post on starting with DDD: https://www.thoughtworks.com/insights/blog/domain-driven-design-neednt-be-hard-heres-how-start

That's it. Thank you for including Business Capability Modelling.