ddddxxx / LyricsX

🎶 Ultimate lyrics app for macOS.
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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Request: shortcut key for "Disable Lyrics for Entire Album" #391

Open patrickrushton opened 4 years ago

patrickrushton commented 4 years ago

As per the title, I would like to disable lyrics for an entire album via a shortcut key instead of using the menubar icon.

patrickrushton commented 4 years ago

FWIW, I made a temporary workaround using BetterTouchTool to run this AppleScript

tell application "System Events" to tell process "LyricsX"

    set lx to menu bar item 1 of menu bar 2
    ignoring application responses
        click lx
    end ignoring
end tell

delay 0.1
do shell script "killall System\\ Events"
delay 0.1

tell application "System Events" to tell process "LyricsX"
    tell (first menu item whose title is "Lyrics") of menu of lx
        tell menu 1
            if exists menu item "Disable Lyrics for Entire Album" then
                click menu item "Disable Lyrics for Entire Album"
            end if
        end tell
    end tell
end tell