ddddxxx / LyricsX

🎶 Ultimate lyrics app for macOS.
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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Change the menu bar icon #407

Open iaurman opened 4 years ago

iaurman commented 4 years ago

In your demo picture on the homepage, the menu bar icon(not dock icon) is a music icon, which is beautiful and elegant. But in real use, the menu bar icon is the same icon as the app icon. And I think it looks bad. I'm not saying that the app icon looks bad. It looks great in the dock. But put it in the menu bar... It just doesn't look good and makes me want to quit the app every time after I finish listening to music. I think you should change the menu bar icon back to the music icon. Or give us an option to choose in between.

iaurman commented 4 years ago

很喜欢这款软件,用了快一年了,但状态栏的图标和微信、QQ、magnet放在一起就感觉很有违和感。 也尝试过在Resource下找替换文件,但原谅外行的愚笨,折腾了一晚上都没解决。