ddddxxx / LyricsX

🎶 Ultimate lyrics app for macOS.
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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Suggestion: Better Filter 强烈建议:更好的过滤 #478

Open anthonydu opened 3 years ago

anthonydu commented 3 years ago

I think the default filter should be changed to " : ", " - " (including whitespaces), and ":" (full width). It is a way better filter than the default ones. (Also, after displaying a long line, the Karaoke Lyric will veer off the center, that is why I changed my filter to a better one to avoid this issue) 我认为将默认过滤设置成“ : ”, “ - ”(皆包含空格)和“:”(全角)比现在的默认过滤更好,能过滤掉更多不是歌词的文字。(还有,长歌词之后卡拉OK歌词会偏离中间,这也是为什么我修改了我的过滤条件)