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Invalid twig syntax + grammar #49

Closed nicoSWD closed 8 years ago

nicoSWD commented 8 years ago

In section The View, it should read:

{% endfor %}

Instead of:

{% endforeach %}

2.3.1 The Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP)


But then, what is Hexagonal Architecture?, and how does it fit within of all this?

Should read:

But then, what is Hexagonal Architecture, and how does it fit within of all of this?


But then, what is Hexagonal Architecture? And how does it fit within of all of this?

2.3.2 Applying Hexagonal Architecture

$post = Post::writeNewFrom($title, $content);

Maybe it's just me, but the naming feels a little weird. Why does it appear to "write" a new "form", but is returning an instance of Post? Wouldn't Post::create, or as of PHP 7, Post::new be more appropriate?

2.4 Command Query Responsibility Segregation

This strict separation triggers another problem, Eventual Consistency.

I would rephrase this to:

This strict separation causes another problem: Eventual Consistency.

You used the word "triggers" in the sentence prior to this one, and it feels a little out of place here.

And that's it for today. Will continue reading in the upcoming days. I understand you're having the book professionally reviewed, so should I keep focusing on things like grammar, or should I concentrate mainly on the technical parts?

theUniC commented 8 years ago

Thanks Nico! :)

I've fixed all except the Post::writeNewFrom.

To my understand, the name writeNewFrom is much more aligned with the Ubiquitous Language than create or simply new, since when you want to publish a blog post you have to first write it. The Blog Post example it's maybe a simple example, but I think that named constructors should strictly follow the Ubiquitous Language.


nicoSWD commented 8 years ago

Thanks for the explanation, Christian! Fair enough, I'll accept that as an answer. :)