dddshelf / last-wishes

Last Wishes is a PHP application written following Domain-Driven Design approach. It's one of the sample applications where you can check the concepts explained in the "Domain-Driven Design in PHP" book.
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ERROR: manifest for kibana:latest not found #25

Open 03128crz opened 5 years ago

03128crz commented 5 years ago

when run : docker-compose up -d report :

root@laber-System-Product-Name:~/last-wishes# docker-compose up -d
Creating network "last-wishes_default" with the default driver
Pulling queues (rabbitmq:management)...
management: Pulling from library/rabbitmq
f17d81b4b692: Pull complete
02fe1bd1a85c: Pull complete
66c15a50f4da: Pull complete
771c4c62018c: Pull complete
05e166e2684c: Pull complete
5eb4efce3466: Pull complete
9b5d77af0f63: Pull complete
f7fc14f8eeeb: Pull complete
31e1448101d9: Pull complete
196612f40314: Pull complete
8cd7ab5c5659: Pull complete
aae6dd0bf4aa: Pull complete
c8f2ac2cd4e8: Pull complete
98e5c73758c4: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:3eb2fa0f83914999846f831f14b900c0c85cea8e5d2db48ff73cf7defa12fe96
Status: Downloaded newer image for rabbitmq:management
Pulling kibana (kibana:)...
ERROR: manifest for kibana:latest not found