ddev / ddev-drupal-contrib

DDEV integration for developing Drupal contrib projects
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Documentation is unclear on how composer.json is changed #16

Closed hussainweb closed 6 months ago

hussainweb commented 6 months ago

From the current README where it describes ddev poser:

Edits composer.json so that drupal/core-recommended becomes a dev dependency.

However, when I run ddev poser, it does not change composer.json. I saw it temporarily created composer.contrib.json and installed Drupal core as expected (I am unsure how composer install can read composer.contrib.json with no changes to composer.json, but that's a different question). It didn't write anything to composer.json. I thought this was a bug until I saw this being discussed in #12 in an off-hand way and now I am not sure.

I was expecting that composer.json would be modified based on my understanding of the documentation. Am I missing something here?