ddev / ddev-ui

A not-currently-maintained user Interface that provides a graphical way of interacting with DDEV Local
Apache License 2.0
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Design/UX Audit and Recommendations #90

Closed rickmanelius closed 6 years ago

rickmanelius commented 6 years ago

What happened (or feature request):

What you expected to happen:

As we look forward both in our ddev-ui project AND our company processes as it pertains to design/UX/FEE, we are wanting to audit our existing project and address the current deficiencies around our wireframes, comps, style guides and get a robust process moving forward. Some of this was discussed during our ddev-ui expectations discussion.

What we are specifically looking for:

aManNamedJed commented 6 years ago

I have had the opportunity to do a run through of all of the basic functionality of the site, though haven't spent a ton of time really trying to dig down and break pieces yet. Overall, it appears at face-value that everything is working under the hood. Really I feel that where I can contribute the most here is my general reactions to the user experience and how I feel like we can make this better.

I think a great use of time would be to let me take a stab at a mockup to iron out how I feel like this could look, keeping in mind that we don't want to scrap the functionality that's currently there and functional. I feel like if we could get a mockup approved as the target, then it would be easier to chunk out the work that remains and really map out how we get there. All in all I think I can help make this way better with just a little TLC, mostly with just changes to styles and markup.

aManNamedJed commented 6 years ago



I feel as though using the serif fonts can be a challenge in tech, but both http://rubyonrails.org/ and https://basecamp.com/ do it really well, so that’s ultimately the feeling I am trying to portray. Cutting edge, but dependable and professional. I changed the logo from PNG to vector so it will look really sharp on every device, even Retina display. I did add a couple of colors: the red-orange for our danger alert color, and then the slight tint on the dark blue brand base to give it that material/paper sense of realism.

But where’s the cards? Where’s the list?

I went into this fully intent on creating a view for All Projects where it had a component where users could view all of their existing projects, including a toggle between cards and a list. After speaking with Andrew about it, I realized it seems redundant to have this really handy sidebar where everything is readily available, and then a separate view right next to it with a list of every every project. Why not just show everything in the sidebar?

The gears started turning here and I got really excited because I really feel like there’s a lot of benefits to doing things this way.

The Benefits of the Sidebar Design

We were concerned about the number of projects and users needing to scroll, but I realized that Slack had already solved this issue. While sidebars are used by almost everyone and have become perhaps a little too common (WordPress, Slack, Shopify, Asana, etc.), they’re used so heavily for a reason: they’re extremely functional.

With this design, whether a user has a single project or 20, the sidebar will never look empty. Additionally, as our application continues to grow, we can just add a new menu item to a new “view” within the app, rather than have to re-think the design again. Users will also be able to resize the application window pretty freely, just like Slack.

rickmanelius commented 6 years ago

Reviewing this now. A couple things that I'll also consider in my responses, which may have been addressed and I fully understand that. I'm just stating that up front in case some of my feedback seems like it's coming from left field:

Ultimately, the idea of having a similar dashboard experience from local to live may be a distraction. However, since we are exploring what this could look like beyond refreshing the existing appearance, now is the time.

I'll post feedback next, but I have several meetings the rest of today, so it might be tomorrow before I can list specifics.

rickmanelius commented 6 years ago

@andrew-c-tran Curious what your reaction is to @jdarrohn's mocks. I imagine this has been discussed offline with Jed directly, but I'm not privvy to those convos and it would be helpful to get your read as well (if it's not already in Slack).

andrew-c-tran commented 6 years ago

I do like the new comps, and I can see a huge benefit in using them on multiple sized devices. the card view flat out won't work in any sort of a graceful way on a mobile device, where the list view would pretty gracefully.

I know that's not a concern at this moment, but I could imagine using this as a hosted site solution as we've discussed in the long term roadmap and with a quick glance on mobile on status for several hosted projects would be amazing, and if we're going to swap interfaces it'd be better to do it now rather than introduce a radically different interface to existing users.

I feel like the local/live situation could be handled pretty easily by having duplicate views of the same list view a la slack and different orgs, and it might be more intuitive.

The biggest question that I have is due to lack of real world "time in the trenches." The current card view allows you to very quickly start/stop/delete/restart/view files/launch in browser in one click due to all the interface buttons being on the card on the dashboard. The drawback, however, is that the real estate that each card takes up means there will be less that can fit on a screen, and thus will require more scrolling.

The benefit of the list view is a clean and large list of things so we can quickly see many more projects and their current statuses at one time.

So, in summary, is it more important in real world usage to have these functions at a quick glance, but be limited to 6-8 projects on screen at a time, or is it more important to view many projects at a time and quickly see their statuses with having to select an individual one to launch actions be more beneficial?

andrew-c-tran commented 6 years ago

the more that i think about it, i am leaning more towards merging a sidebar concept into the current cards layout. Both kalabox and kitematic heavily rely on cards/tiles, and the sidebar would be a very handy place to display platform specific commands, as well as show the current selected platform. For example, the sidebar can have an icon for development, pantheon, DDEV Live, etc, and the context under it can change to commands specific for that platform. Changing the environment in the left toolbar will change the dashboard panel.

thoughts @rickmanelius and @jdarrohn ?

rickmanelius commented 6 years ago

Personally, I think this issue is now stale and replaced by the now-closed issue here https://github.com/drud/ddev-ui/issues/8.