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Improve “Get Started” page #20

Closed mattstein closed 1 year ago

mattstein commented 1 year ago

Make it impossible to get lost and reduce the need to jump away.

Per 1/9 discussion in Discord, we should carefully consider a CMS-agnostic start so we don’t lose people thinking DDEV only supports specific CMSes.

mattstein commented 1 year ago

@rfay I got just enough done in a941962e8c123987f508fc57127a9ea149415535 that you can see what I’d like to do in the preview build:

Our new analytics indicate lots of pressure on this page, so it should be really helpful to take it from something a bit stale to the most carefully-tailored “first look” content.

The Windows and Linux instructions obviously need to be fleshed out, but happy to hear whatever you think!

mattstein commented 1 year ago

There’s some gross stuff happening here with typography like weird spacing around links and <code> blocks, and like everything here the layout needs work—so try to ignore the gnarly bits.

rfay commented 1 year ago

That's looking mighty fine, has loads of potential.

mattstein commented 1 year ago

I'm a little worried about the ease of maintenance

The code's still a mess but I'd refactor it to something less cumbersome (and more HTML-like) before calling it finished.

I imagine you'd like to have the "get started" looking just like this in the docs to make things easier in general.

Ideally, but not anytime soon.

  1. The docs are on a different platform that to me is less malleable. Doing the equivalent there is a pretty different scope of work.
  2. I wouldn't copy this word for word because it's a standalone page focused on quick setup with minimal context, where the docs are a larger body of organized content that can and should be more self-referential. (Car test drive vs. owner's manual.) It would need to be kept technically accurate, but it doesn't serve the same purpose.
mattstein commented 1 year ago

An example of #2 is omitting Colima, which could be controversial but it seemed like the methods I chose were the fastest and simplest. The goal of the page is not to be thorough, but quick and clear for someone willing to give their attention to trying DDEV.

mattstein commented 1 year ago

If maintainability is still a concern, we could vastly reduce the scope of this page and use it to describe requirements/expectations and punt to Getting Started in the docs.

I think as planned this page does something uniquely important, but I understand if it's not worth the cost of upkeep or risk of becoming stale.

rfay commented 1 year ago

I think it's going to be great, and I can learn to maintain it, as long as there are no significant booby traps in there. It's going to be great.

How will we be able to sort out what's maintained on the back-end site (blogs) and what's markup in the front-end?

mattstein commented 1 year ago

How will we be able to sort out what's maintained on the back-end site (blogs) and what's markup in the front-end?

I’ll clean up, document everything within the code and more broadly about the setup, and follow through with tasks like this to make sure we don’t have misleading stale content hanging around.

The code you’re seeing now is not very well organized or commented, just a mess of me thinking and quickly roughing out components. In a more shippable form it’ll be less chaotic and better labeled. :)

Generally though, the src/pages/*.astro files are like HTML pages with superpowers. The src/pages/blog/[*].astro files are slightly fancier since they’re building routes+pages with external content, but it’s not that far a stretch. Happy to walk through this at any point!

mattstein commented 1 year ago

...and if the WordPress connection is adding more complexity than benefit, we can still migrate those posts to Markdown so everything lives in this repository as @mayankguptadotcom suggested. I’d need to rewire some things and obviously migrate all the existing posts, but happy to do it if it’s better in the long run and we don’t need the WordPress install.

mattstein commented 1 year ago

Coming along slowly, but more progress.

I realized one of the easiest ways to try DDEV may be with one of the cloud providers, so I renamed that first selector and added a “Cloud” option:

And while it could be overboard, I updated the terminal wrapper so it could look more at home for whatever platform is selected.




While this could be gratuitous decoration, it may be useful to reiterate which terminal Windows users should be working in. I may be the only person that’s struggled with that in the past, but I doubt I’m alone there.

rfay commented 1 year ago

that's amazing :)

mattstein commented 1 year ago

The current iteration of this page is ready for scrutiny, with emphasis on the Windows and Linux instructions being as accurate, prescriptive, and concise as possible—which explains some very specific recommendations and omissions if you’re comparing to the Docker installation and DDEV installation pages where thorough is more important than quick.

I refactored the source so editing individual instructions is less cumbersome, with blurbs separated out here: https://github.com/ddev/ddev.com-front-end/tree/main/src/components/quickstart

Open questions (by order of importance):

  1. Is there anything that’s inaccurate?
  2. Is there anything that’s vital and missing for a newcomer wanting to try out DDEV immediately on their platform?
  3. Is there anything that can be cut out or made simpler?
  4. Are there any UX improvements that could reduce friction?

Examples of item 4 that are built in:

One UX improvement would be the ability to easily copy the first line out of a given example—without the or > or $—to run locally.

mayankguptadotcom commented 1 year ago

Oh, this is amazing. I'm sorry guys that I've not been able to spend the time that I want to. I've been caught up in multiple things on my end. I'm getting a grip on all those and should be able to start getting active very soon. thank you @mattstein & @rfay as always for all that you guys are doing to keep #DDEV going upwards!

rfay commented 1 year ago

This is stupendous work, and far above and beyond the call of just "getting ddev.com under control"! Wow. What a labor of love and what a great improvement.


It's all great stuff, amazing effort, congratulations and thanks! Sorry so slow to look at it.

mattstein commented 1 year ago

Thanks for reviewing this! I’ll tackle the more straightforward updates. Sounds like there are a few more things to figure out, though.

⚠️ I wrote a lot below, but I’m happy to chat instead if this feels like a word bomb!

Automatic OS detection didn't work for me (on macOS) but it's OK...

Not sure why that would be, but the fallback is deliberately a prompt for selection so the reader likely won’t even know anything went wrong.

What browser were you in, if you don’t mind saying? Safari and Firefox auto-detect fine for me on macOS, but I’m just noticing Chrome does not.

macOS (sidenote) I'm not absolutely convinced that Docker Desktop is easier to get started with than Colima, but choosing one is great.

I haven’t spent equal time with each one so I’m biased toward a relatively painless experience with Docker Desktop. Even still, when I look at the installation instructions there is vastly more explanation and decision-making to get through Colima setup compared to Docker Desktop:


I’m not sure if one is any easier than the other, but one clearly represents a quicker path to me and that’s why I chose it. (Same with the Linux install script situation you called out.)

If I’m just plain wrong, and a Colima start would give the reader less to think about and a quicker path to having DDEV running on their machine, we should switch. If it takes more consideration or more steps, I’d stand by Docker Desktop. (We already seem to agree that picking one in this context is important.)

brew install drud/ddev/ddev is already brew install ddev/ddev/ddev, works fine.

This is a bug and a feature! I assume all drud/ddev references will need to become ddev/ddev before this launches, most of which will be fixed updating these project constants.

The only reason I haven’d done that yet is that the site makes GitHub API calls to fetch repo details, contributor+sponsor stats, etc. and I don’t want to break them.

Also, installing that would result in v1.21.4 at this moment, and v1.21.5 in a week or so; I don't think displaying an alpha1 is a great thing to show, people who know that it means a prerelease may be concerned. (The alpha1 version also shows up in several other places, and v1.21.5 would be better to show there I'd think)

One of those API calls is to get the latest tagged release, which you’ll see as a variable in these instructions. I thought it’d be nice to show the reader what they should be seeing in most cases without having to hand-update Markdown every time there’s a new release.

We can probably adjust the part that fetches the latest release version to only favor stable releases.

wsl2: Best to say "administrative PowerShell v5 terminal" everywhere, nearly everything needs to be done that way. wsl2: Is it clear that creating a project is being done in Ubuntu terminal?

These two comments go together, I think. I followed the exact steps in exactly the terminals called out: PowerShell, PowerShell, administrative PowerShell, then Ubuntu through to the end. Not saying I was right or doing it in an ideal way, but it worked for me and I think transitioning to the Ubuntu terminal and sticking with it to the end (with visual reinforcement) should be pretty clear.

I’d like to know:

  1. Is it best to use an administrative PowerShell terminal for every single one of these steps? (I think it’s overkill for some, and I also imagined it’d be best to stick to the Ubuntu shell and be able to use ~/ for project paths—but I barely get by with this setup.)
  2. Is someone new to these instructions sure of what terminal to use in each step, or is it unclear?

Linux: Installing docker on non-Ubuntu probably doesn't need to be pursued. So few people do that, and the ones that do can find their way in the docs.

Are you sure it’s worth cutting those out? We would need to clarify that the Linux instructions really just apply to Ubuntu so nobody’s misled, and we’d be sending them on a separate adventure which is the exact opposite of the intent of this page. Linking to each distro’s Docker instructions and distilling them to their simplest form felt like it might have been useful and live up to the promise of supporting Linux installs in general.

Linux: We prefer people to use apt install, not the script, they'll be happier in the end. It's not hard. (In general, I'd rather people don't use the script any more, although it will continue to be maintained, but there aren't any significant places where it's needed these days.)

I originally started with tabs that followed the Linux install page headings: Debian/Ubuntu, Fedora, Red Hat, etc. (where the “etc.” gives me pause), and Arch Linux. The instructions still felt clunky and the headings didn’t neatly match the Docker install tabs in the section above, and it looked like the install script was the most straightforward route for anyone to take. I put a prominent note about using the distro’s package manager there so nobody feels bamboozled if they would’ve preferred to do it that way.

Is it possible to go back to something like Ubuntu, CentOS, Debian, and Fedora? Or tabs that are consistent with the “Install Docker” step? (We can’t very well start with only Ubuntu there and then continue with several distros when it comes to DDEV.)

both gitpod and github codespaces: There is a bunch of missing context there (config/start/launch/describe/stop) that is in many other places. People probably don't know what to do.

That’s my fault! 😅

I didn’t want to give bad instructions that weren’t useful, so I cut a lot out. I’ll test each one with the “Create a Project” and “Explore & Enjoy!” from other sections. Is it still just as useful to uninstall from these cloud options?

rfay commented 1 year ago

Let's do talk it through! If you have time I could do it now.

mattstein commented 1 year ago

@rfay and I did chat through everything, and I’ve finished updates to this page we agreed to tackle:

I posted an outstanding question here, but this effort should be finished unless anything needs further attention.

Closing, but please comment or open a new issue if I missed or bungled something!