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"test this PR on Gitpod" should open a more generic project, not just "drupal10" #6014

Open tyler36 opened 1 month ago

tyler36 commented 1 month ago

Is there an existing issue for this?

Output of ddev debug test

Expand `ddev debug test` diagnostic information ``` [COPY-PASTE HERE THE OUTPUT OF `ddev debug test`] ```

Expected Behavior

I want a "clean" environment so I can follow a quickstart guide.

Idealy, the link opens a workspace with only DDEV configured and installed. Developers can then follow a quickstart guide to keep things minimal and lean.

I can see the benefit of a preinstalled environment so perhaps we could offer both?

"You can also test this PR in a clean Gitpod or with a simple Drupal 10 project.

Actual Behavior

After clicking the "test this PR on Gitpod" link, it created a workspace that installed, configured and started the Drupal Umami demo.

This is great for developers that are familiar with Drupal. However:

For new developers this could raise some questions:

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Visit https://github.com/ddev/ddev/pull/5888
  2. Click the test this PR on Gitpod.

Anything else?

No response

tyler36 commented 1 month ago

Related to #5989

tyler36 commented 1 month ago

Yes, getting errors now:

  1. Stop d10simple and make new project
ddev stop
cd ..
mkdir my-cakephp-app
cd my-cakephp-app
  1. Configure project
$ ddev config --project-type=cakephp --docroot=webroot --create-docroot --php-version=8.3
Configuration complete. You may now run 'ddev start'.
$ ddev composer create--prefer-dist cakephp/app:~5.0
Failed to start workspace: host port 3306 has already been allocated to project d10simple
rfay commented 1 month ago

You have to do a ddev delete -Oy d10simple normally on gitpod, because it's all set up to do one project at a time (and the exposed ports all default to the same).

rfay commented 1 month ago

The gitpod setup here is built around building the ddev executable, not around having a proper project to test. I don't think we could succeed at that.

I'm happy to walk through the steps though.

tyler36 commented 1 month ago

You have to do a ddev delete -Oy d10simple normally

That would work. Not sure best way to communicate that to new developers though.

rfay commented 1 month ago

Most of the time people just need a random site to work with. What we could do is replace d10simple with a trivial php project with an index.php I guess. And maybe the index.php could say what to do to go forward.

This is done by https://github.com/ddev/ddev/blob/master/.gitpod.yml

It's not hard to do it with a simple php repo, and then tell people how to override what they have there.

Interested in experimenting with it?

tyler36 commented 1 month ago

If I have free time, I'll play around. New business year starts next week, so not sure how far I will get.