ddev / vscode-ddev-manager

DDEV Manager offers a centralized and user-friendly interface to control every aspect of your DDEV projects.
Apache License 2.0
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[Feature-request] Open project in VScode #16

Closed tyler36 closed 4 months ago

tyler36 commented 8 months ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. I can manage any DDEV project from my current workspace which is great. However, sometimes, I want to quickly jump over and alter a file or update a dependency.

Describe the solution you'd like It would be convienient if there were 2 additional options:

This would allow DDEV Manage to also act like a project manager. I could quickly spawn a new VScode instance and view logs files etc. Or if, I want to switch context, open the selected project in my current window, replacing it entirely.


Describe alternatives you've considered I use to use https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=alefragnani.project-manager to perform the describe behaviour. It's good for bouncing between projects but does not have "DDEV management".

I understand that this may be outside the scope of this extension.

biati-digital commented 8 months ago

Hi, yes I was thinking on doing something like this but using the command palette to replace extensions like project manager I think adding options in the tree view can also help.

I'll probably pospone this until next year, I'm currently having a lot of work so I need to focus on that so i can have some free time and some rest on December.

tyler36 commented 8 months ago

Thank you for the update and consideration. 😄

biati-digital commented 4 months ago

This has been added in the latest update. There's two new options in the project menu in the sidebar to open the project in the current window or a new window.

if you prefer, you can also use the command palette, there's two new commands (you can assign a keyboard shortcut) the first one "List DDEV Projects to Open in Editor" will display a list of DDEV projects, pressing enter will open the selected project in the active editor, you can see that each project item in the list has a button (you need to use the mouse) If you click it it will open the project in a new window.

The other command is the same but will always open the projects in a new window "List DDEV Projects to Open in New Editor Window" I usually always open projects in a new window so you can choose your favorite method.

This update has a lot of new things so please try it and let me know if you find a bug or something it's not working correctly.

tyler36 commented 4 months ago

Confirmed on 2.0.1. Works great!


Thank you. I'll close this ticket as "completed".