ddevault / Craft.Net

(Unmaintained, see TrueCraft) Minecraft server, client, and etc for .NET
MIT License
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Windows Phone 8? #182

Closed Malkierian closed 10 years ago

Malkierian commented 10 years ago

I was hoping to get something like MineChat for iOS going on WP8, and I came across this fantastic looking set of libraries, but found out it's not usable on WP8 as is, and I was wondering if it would be at all possible to get WP8 support? I would do it myself, but I don't know how to convert .net solutions and projects over to WP8 equivalents. There are also, apparently, WP8 versions of most, if not all, of the external references used by the project out there already.

ddevault commented 10 years ago

It'd be pretty difficult. As far as I know, Windows Phone 8 doesn't have the same kind of socket support or threading support that Craft.Net needs.

Closing this issue, but feel free to continue the discussion.

vbisbest commented 10 years ago

I know this post is a bit old, but MineChat is now available for Windows Phone 8. http://www.windowsphone.com/en-us/store/app/minechat/3ef1ef4c-3159-4e4b-8303-fa1aaf0467c4

ddevault commented 10 years ago

Is it based on C.N? I didn't think C.N would run well on WP8.

Malkierian commented 10 years ago

Awesome to know, I bought it earlier today. Would be nice, though, to have an option for it not to automatically disconnect just because I go to another app for a minute. Also, the notification that is done when one connects ("{user} has connected via MineChat for Windows Phone), is that a once-per-app-start occurrence, or is that every time you connect to a server?

vbisbest commented 10 years ago

Yes, I am going to look at backgrounding. The problem is if you forget about it and it eats up your battery and data usage. The message that shows is once a day per server. That will go away in the paid version once the free version of MineChat comes out (maybe a week or two).

Malkierian commented 10 years ago

Well, easiest thing to do is make it not background by default, and have a maximum timeout of like 10 minutes or something (most servers have timeout kick long before that anyway).