ddewaele / GoogleMapsV2WithActionBarSherlock

This is a skeleton projects + full tutorial for using Google Maps v2 on Android with ActionBarSherlock 4.3.1
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How to import into Android Studio #10

Open rsacher opened 10 years ago

rsacher commented 10 years ago

I am new to Android Studio (AS) - so in AS I chose clone from Repository-> git, which downloaded the files. Then it complaines about not beeing a Gradle-project - how can I convert this git to a gradle-project? Otherwise, if I try to run I get an error: org.junit not found

ddewaele commented 10 years ago

I'm not an Android Studio expert but I've created a new branch for the Android Studio migration in androidstudio_migration. Feel free to check that one out.

Should work out of the box.

Importing a complex Eclipse project into Android Studio and converting it to Gradle is not something that is currently supported in Android Studio I guess.

Had to tweak it a bit. Let me know if you got it up and running so I can close this and add this info to the documentation.

Sorry for the late response.

rsacher commented 10 years ago

Hello - and thanks for your effort! I could import the branch (through the ZIP - the "copy https"-link still had me download the master)

I can also run it in a Genymotion Samsung S4, but up to now the maps won`t show up. Maybe I got the Api-key wrong.. I will try later..

Thanks, Reinhard

ddewaele commented 10 years ago

Yeah. Make sure you got a good API key (follow the tutorial for that). Otherwise feel free to send a stacktrace.

Also using Genymotion (image with Google APIs enabled) and is working fine.

kelodrams commented 10 years ago

Hi, you could help me with something? I'm trying to use your https://github.com/ddewaele/GoogleMapsV2WithActionBarSherlock project, but it throws some errors, the error is that I can not import "com.ecs.google.maps.v2.actionbarsherlock.R". It could help me? I leave my mail exequiel.espinoza@eftgroup.net Sorry if this does not go here, but I wanted to communicate with you

ddewaele commented 10 years ago

This is the pefect space for discussing htis. Did you try to use the Android Studio specific branch here ?

kelodrams commented 10 years ago

I'm using eclipse and use code source from master branch. I imported google-play-services_libs and actionbarsherlock in the project, but can't import com.ecs.google.maps.v2.actionbarsherlock.R, nor is created R in "generate java files". I think there is an error, but not sure

priscipuelles commented 10 years ago

Hello, the same thing is happening to me, I imported the projects but i get error with de class R, I'm looking the class but is not there.

I'm using Eclipse.

kelodrams commented 10 years ago

I downloaded the code and I have also imported the github, but the class is not generated com.ecs.google.maps.v2.actionbarsherlock.R your project and help me to resolve any issues fairly. I hope you can help me

michaeljulyus commented 8 years ago

Hi, i have tried to import the androidstudio_migration project in Android Studio, but i had problems like the one in the picture. Can you help me to provide the solution? I hope you can help me, Thanks. ss

ddewaele commented 8 years ago

Just pushed some code that make it run on my Android Studio 1.5.1. Can you try now ? (still crashes on some occasions in the app... will see if I find the time to look into those).

Also think ActionBarSherlock is completely deprecated now, and you should switch to the compat library. Been a while since I've done any serious android dev.