ddinh0411 / ROMSly

The final project for the class CPSC 354: Programming Languages. This a group project and acts as a a showcase of mastery over the topics of parsing.
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Refactored Backend to make ROMSly a Flask Web Application, and updated documentation. #103

Closed masli747 closed 12 months ago

masli747 commented 12 months ago

Deprecated PyScript backend---due to limitations regarding SQL connections (disallowed due to safety concerns). The new Backend is now a Python Flask server, which supports all functions (and more) originally provided by the PyScript backend. Flask now renders all HTML pages and handles logic (currently on the default Improvements and fixes include an auto-refreshing visualization table for database orders, which previously was not possible with PyScript. The file structure has also been slightly altered to meet the requirements for Flask. Finally and most importantly, all SQL connections are now possible.