ddinh0411 / ROMSly

The final project for the class CPSC 354: Programming Languages. This a group project and acts as a a showcase of mastery over the topics of parsing.
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Peer Review Suggestion #86

Open sreyavadlamudi opened 1 year ago

sreyavadlamudi commented 1 year ago

Hey guys, I looked over the code, and I really like it so far. I was going to suggest adding a view order block if not implemented yet. I am not sure if this is something you guys were thinking about adding, but it could be really cool. Adding this feature could allow users to display existing orders, making the system more user-friendly. Overall, I really like the project so far!

ddinh0411 commented 1 year ago

Hi Sreya, thanks for the feedback! Yes the printOrder section was something that we had in mind. Normally if we were to do a query from a database the result would be difficult to read and are reliant on a terminal, so a printOrders block is definitely in the works! Most likely this block will work with some sort of frontend (most likely HTML) to output the orders in a list that is easy to read which is how the majority of users will see these orders.