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segfault on vulkan_backend.cpp : ClearFrameData #8328

Closed BlaiZephyr closed 2 weeks ago

BlaiZephyr commented 3 weeks ago

from discord:

i managed to crash the client by setting cl_refresh_rate and gfx_refresh_rate to 240 aswell as turning Vsync on

and then turning cl_refresh_rate and gfx_refresh_rate to 1000 and turning Vsync off

12:58:16: /home/melonarch/Projects/ddnet/build/Desktop-Debug/DDNet ist abgestürzt.

gdb outputted the following:

0x00005555556a04c0 in CCommandProcessorFragment_Vulkan::ClearFrameData (this=0x555555fb6660, FrameImageIndex=4) at /home/melonarch/Projects/ddnet/src/engine/client/backend/vulkan/backend_vulkan.cpp:2048
2048                if(BufferPair.m_pMappedData != nullptr)

OS: Arch Linux x86_64 WM: Hyprland (Wayland)

Jupeyy commented 3 weeks ago

Could you start with dbg_gfx 3 and check if in the log the value for minimal swap image count changes when you toggle vsync?

BlaiZephyr commented 3 weeks ago

weird but i'm not able to reproduce it anymore ._. - i'll close this for now - thanks anyway jupsti