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DDraceNetwork, a free cooperative platformer game
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Add Map client settings for each map #8329

Open teini94 opened 3 weeks ago

teini94 commented 3 weeks ago

Like make it possible to have a manual or automatic saved map Setting per map, which gets loaded when u load it. cl_map_settings 1/0

Good for pvp: ,ctf4old | ctf5 | etc Disable ammo_healthbar ,angle, postion, speed, High Details Off/On, (refresh rates) Higher on PVP ,Assets

DDRace: ON/Off Settings for: Entities, High Details, Load specific map backgrounds, Background colour, background music "On/Off" (Future: Cursor), Pistole Sound, Grenade Explosion Sound, (jetpack maps) ammo_healthbar ,angle, postion, speed, High Details Off/On, Assets, (refresh rates) Higher on Speedrun or Hard maps

Edit: also Sound Volume like lasershoots or hooking of enemys (important for pvp, and if u set up ur headphones)

ChillerDragon commented 3 weeks ago

Per map or per gametype?

Yes I also would love to see different settings being loaded based on gametype.

teini94 commented 3 weeks ago

per map, per gametype is already a thing kind of u cant zoom for example on pvp, I also suggest to automatically turn of those angle, speed, position on pvp by default but can be enabled.