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Chat improvements #8364

Open Stepfunn opened 2 weeks ago

Stepfunn commented 2 weeks ago

Since i spend quit some time to configure my chat settings for certain situations i have a few things that i would like be able to control with a few new extra settings.

Let's start with an issue first tho:


Would be nice if you have either of those 2 options enabled that other people are able to see it somehow. Maybe in the Tab View or when you write to them directly you get a chat response. Something around those lines

A more unrealistic wish:

heinrich5991 commented 2 weeks ago
  • There is an issue #8344 which can be used to only show team chat messages. I don't know if that is already the case but it would be great if you can still see all the messages that your teammates are writing when they use the global chat. They colors for the chats can stay the same. Sometimes your teammates just don't always use team chat directly and you could possibly miss chat from your teammates

That is already the implementation.

  • I would love to have a settings to just disable/enable whispers.

Can you explain the motivation? Why are whispers different from normal chat?

melonew commented 2 weeks ago

Can you explain the motivation? Why are whispers different from normal chat?

from my own experience its more of a thing with toxicity in whisper messages. On a full server you usually dont pay attention to regular chat but you pay attention to whispers and team-chat. Beeing able to turn off whispers, have /foe completly vanish the guy and be able to only see your team-chat (which is already implemented) - could lead to a much nicer experience streaming and/or recording this game to make it more accessible for a wider audience, considering our non-existent chat filter which sadly leads to childish behaviour.

heinrich5991 commented 2 weeks ago

Beeing able to turn off whispers

If you enable chat from team members only, you're already only going to see whispers from team members. From your comment, I don't see the motivation for disabling whispers completely on top of that.

melonew commented 2 weeks ago

Beeing able to turn off whispers

If you enable chat from team members only, you're already only going to see whispers from team members. From your comment, I don't see the motivation for disabling whispers completely on top of that.

i did not know that and assumed you still get whispers from people outside of your team - from that POV it makes sense.

Stepfunn commented 2 weeks ago

Beeing able to turn off whispers

If you enable chat from team members only, you're already only going to see whispers from team members. From your comment, I don't see the motivation for disabling whispers completely on top of that.

If I'm not in a team I also want to be able to disable it because the most abuse is over whispers. If they don't have a way to address me directly it will be obvious to everyone in the server whats going on. Means moderators will also notice instantly/faster. I think being able to control this freely is just something that every game offers. I don't see any downsides on this setting? Everyone can decide for himself

heinrich5991 commented 2 weeks ago

I don't see any downsides on this setting?

The downside to every setting is that it's code to maintain. Also something to troubleshoot when a user has it turned on and forgot about it.

Another downside to this particular setting is that people will have to learn that they can reach some people only by all-chat but not by whisper.

Everyone can decide for himself

Well, you can't decide for the person you're talking to, so people will have to take that setting into account.

Stepfunn commented 2 weeks ago

I don't see any downsides on this setting?

The downside to every setting is that it's code to maintain. Also something to troubleshoot when a user has it turned on and forgot about it.

Well none of us can say how much troubleshooting work it will cause but i don't feel like this is a setting that will cause hundreds of hours of work.

Another downside to this particular setting is that people will have to learn that they can reach some people only by all-chat but not by whisper.

Thats why i was suggesting this:

Would be nice if you have either of those 2 options enabled that other people are able to see it somehow. Maybe in the Tab View or when you write to them directly you get a chat response. Something around those lines

Could be like a status icon on discord for example. Red - DnD, Orange - No Whisphers, Blue = Teamchat only, Green = All Chat

Everyone can decide for himself

Well, you can't decide for the person you're talking to, so people will have to take that setting into account.

What i said above

heinrich5991 commented 2 weeks ago

Well, you can't decide for the person you're talking to, so people will have to take that setting into account.

What i said above

A setting can be useful, I won't deny that. I just disagree with this attitude:

I don't see any downsides on this setting?

Stepfunn commented 1 week ago

@heinrich5991 I'm just wondering when we already have an option to disable/hide chat completely + have a chat command /dnd which has 0 explaination for the user are justified but a setting that you can control over the user interface which only disables a small function of the chat is to much?

heinrich5991 commented 1 week ago

only disables a small function of the chat

The "only disabling a small function of the chat" part is the one that makes it worse than the other options. It requires users to understand that some chat messages work but others don't.

Stepfunn commented 1 week ago

Just wondering @heinrich5991 Are you the only one deciding on what is getting implemented?

Other then that i still had 2 other points and the first one is an actual bug. Should i create extra Tickets for that?

Let's start with an issue first tho:

  • When you /foe a certain name the user with the name is still able to request points of other players and it will show up in your chat.

A more unrealistic wish:

  • I'm not really sure if that is a good idea yet but maybe it would be a nice feature if you could enable a chat delay for new people joining only for your client. Would also be nice if people ping you when you have chat delay on that you only see the following: You could press T to open chat and click on the icon to show/hide the message
heinrich5991 commented 1 week ago

Just wondering @heinrich5991 Are you the only one deciding on what is getting implemented?

No. E.g. @Robyt3, @Learath2 and a couple of others also do.

Other then that i still had 2 other points and the first one is an actual bug. Should i create extra Tickets for that?

Yes, creating one ticket per issue/feature request is good.