ddobrev / QtSharp

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Some changes for references / logging to a text file / how to build uitools #35

Closed Hecatron closed 8 years ago

Hecatron commented 8 years ago

Added a couple of small changes, not sure if you want to add all of these in but some might be usefull

A better option for logging might be something like common logging https://github.com/net-commons/common-logging but that would require lots of changes to CppSharp, so the above changes just redirect the console to a seperate log file for each module

ddobrev commented 8 years ago

I actually meant for you to amend your commits, not apply new ones on top. I know this would cause you some trouble with rebasing but I'd rather have the commits clean in the first place instead of being fixed afterwards.

Hecatron commented 8 years ago

Okay no probs I'll probably just re-fork the repo and redo the commits, I didn't know you could ammend commits afterwards

ddobrev commented 8 years ago

Well, you don't actually need to, just amend/rebase/etc and then force push.

Hecatron commented 8 years ago

yep that's what I'm going to do, I just didn't realise you could rebase an amend commits before now