ddobrev / QtSharp

Mono/.NET bindings for Qt
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Qt Spy library #46

Open anderhil opened 8 years ago

anderhil commented 8 years ago


Unfortunately I don't know how to properly ask question on GitHub, so I created this issue.

To not waste time trying to accomplish what I want I just decided to ask a question if this is feasible at all.

I have an idea to create some library to be able to manipulate Qt visual elements, show the visual tree and etc, for example for automated testing. I know there is Ranorex that can do it but it's paid and I want something free.

So the question, is it possible to use QtSharp for this? Load QtSharp libraries to foreign QT process and then communicate with it to enumerate all the windows, visual elements, send commands and etc? I am C# developer so for me it would be a big win if this is possible. As I understand it should be feasible, but I am not sure.

Maybe I want to do something that is already done and somebody knows about such tools?

Thank you

ddobrev commented 8 years ago

Unfortunately it cannot be done at present. Inspecting a visual tree in Qt requires the availability of an element's children, and the Qt API uses C++ templates for it. They are really hard to wrap and the work on this feature, while ongoing, is still at least a month away from completion.