ddrinka / usa_polo

USA Kayak Polo
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Facilitate Scoreboards #6

Open ddrinka opened 7 years ago

ddrinka commented 7 years ago

We need sun-visible count-down timers and scores for up to two pitches (depending on #1), and shot clocks for one pitch.

We currently have one Daktronics basetball scoreboard, similar to this

We could borrow another scoreboard from another club, purchase another for use at future tournaments, or design a new solution based on LCD TVs.

We'd like to use the TV solution.

ddrinka commented 7 years ago

Some similar Daktronics are available (used) for $1,190.

ddrinka commented 7 years ago

Perhaps the YMCA has a scoreboard?

ddrinka commented 7 years ago

North Carolina has a scoreboard and shot clocks. We'll need to coordinate getting these down.

ddrinka commented 7 years ago

Dj will whip and coordinate onsite

ddrinka commented 7 years ago

Here's a software/tv based option: https://sites.google.com/verner.co.nz/scoreboard

ddrinka commented 7 years ago

Software-based Pluses:



ddrinka commented 7 years ago

Here's the email I just sent the developer of the software (updated with responses):

Stacey, Mark Poindexter sent your contact info my way. We're hosting the next US Nationals competition in Austin, TX this year, and are considering using the software you developed as the scoreboard. My team and I had a few questions that we weren't able to immediately figure out as we played with the software:

  • My understanding is that remote web browsers can connect to the server to display supplemental information about the match. We were hoping to have a single primary screen for the players to be able to see, two shot-clocks for the corners, potentially a secondary timing screen for the spectators to see, and a "who's up next" overview of the start times for coming games. Is there the ability to display that degree of supplemental information?

    The software can do the main screen, two shot clocks, and spectators scoreboard and timing. The one thing it does not do right now is show who's up next but it would not be difficult to do. That will require a number of devices all networked together and a bit of testing to ensure that it all hangs together.

  • In terms of the timing functionality, we're wondering how to set an exact current game time, as requested by a referee. We're also wondering if there's a mode that can pause at the start of the next game, rather than having the timing flow all the way through the day.

    The software is setup to keep running on to the next game, but the operator can pause the clock at any point to give time to get the next game running and can also adjust the start and end times of each period a required. timer The buttons let you adjust the start and end of each period by 10 seconds.

  • Is there a way to adjust the font used for the primary timing display? We were thinking a different color may make sense.

    There are currently no options for this but it would be possible. What would you like the colours to be?

  • In terms of the TVs you use for your matches, are you buying typical home-use LCDs, or are you finding high-brightness, outdoor-specific units that don't mind the higher temperature of outdoor use?

    No we don't use special displays. Out TVs are second hand 40"+ with an LCD backlight under the Gazebo's so out of direct sunlight. When we started using it we had 23" monitors, and brightness was an issue but not with the big screens.

  • Is the scoreboard project open source? We have a few resources here in Austin that may want to tinker. What programming language was it developed in?

    It is not currently open source, but I can look at doing that. It is developed in C# with WPF. You can do everything with Visual Studio Community which is free. Thanks for your time and responses, and thank you for releasing this really useful resource for the canoe/kayak polo community. Great work!!

ddrinka commented 7 years ago

Stacey just released the source for the scoreboard on GitHub. https://github.com/syniosis76/canoepoloscoreboard

At this point I'm prepared to commit to owning this component of the project. I'll assign myself this task and remove @djdubose .

ddrinka commented 6 years ago

Grant has a 32 inch TV he's willing to let us use.

ddrinka commented 6 years ago

New TV Prices: image