ddrscott / vim-side-search

Search context in Vim in a sidebar using `rg` output
MIT License
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Feedback #2

Closed ahmedelgabri closed 8 years ago

ahmedelgabri commented 8 years ago

First I want to thank you for this, it's really a nice plugin. I have a feedback and may be a bug.

ddrscott commented 8 years ago

I tried pretty hard to use quotes instead of backslash escaping for the :SideSearch command. But you can use the function directly.

:call SideSearch('my terms here') | set hlsearch

Note: The set hlsearch must be chained here since doing it in the SideSearch function won't work for some reason.

ahmedelgabri commented 8 years ago

Cool will use this for now, Thanks!

ahmedelgabri commented 8 years ago

I also noticed that I can't pass options to ag anymore I'm used to do stuff like this

:Ag --js "Something"

" or 

:Ag -G="*.js" "something"

But this doesn't work with :SideSearch

ddrscott commented 8 years ago

Just committed to master a change that should give you the same flexibility. commit 6b165d75702b1ea61a92e45367f5c6579fb9bf0b

ahmedelgabri commented 8 years ago

Thanks @ddrscott

ahmedelgabri commented 8 years ago

The changes that you did for this issue is working fine except when using -G="*.js"

" This works as expected
:Ag --js "Something"
" this doesn't
:Ag -G="*.js" "something"

and this is the error returned

search hit BOTTOM, continuing at TOP
Error detected while processing function SideSearch:
line   33:
E486: Pattern not found: *\.js
ddrscott commented 8 years ago

I agree it's a problem. The best I can do is suppress the error like Ag is doing. Ag actually has the same root issue that I have since we're sharing the same regex to parse the search terms from command args.


The regex thinks *.js is the search term instead of something. SideSearch raises an error that *.js is not found in the SideSearch buffer.

For now I've suppressed the error so it's less annoying.

ahmedelgabri commented 8 years ago

The funny part that -G="*.js" it actually works, but it shows the error first and doesn't highlight the results. I still get the results screen with the right results.

After the fix it's less annoying which is definitely better but you lose all the functionality or the highlight for the search term.

I'm fine this with fix for now, but it'd be great if it can maintain the plugin functionality too. Thanks again for the help and the awesome plugin.

ahmedelgabri commented 8 years ago

I found this plugin which also deals with searching & highlighting, also uses Ag but it passes the the flags/options as is to the command. I tried to understand how it's done but my very minor knowledge of vimscript is not helping so maybe you can find it helpful & can help you to find a fix the issue with passing some flags. https://github.com/wincent/ferret

ddrscott commented 8 years ago

Looks like https://github.com/wincent/ferret/blob/master/autoload/ferret/private.vim#L177 has a different set of problems from https://github.com/rking/ag.vim/blob/master/autoload/ag.vim#L154.

When I search for :SS -G="*.js" "cats and dogs" it can't handle the multi word search correctly. I prefer the regex matcher better, through it breaks the highlighting a bit. I'm not sure this is going to be solvable in my free time.

ahmedelgabri commented 8 years ago

It's not a big deal, I can still search again inside the results buffer to highlight the results a tiny bit not convenient but it works. Thanks anyway 👍