When trying to build cabal-debian-4.32.2 in Stackage Nightly:
No instance for (Show (D.Server -> Int))
(maybe you haven't applied enough arguments to a function?)
arising from a use of ‘show’
In the expression: show D.port
In the expression:
"http://" ++ D.hostname x ++ ":" ++ show (D.port x) ++ "/",
"--http-port", show D.port]
In an equation for ‘oldClckwrksServerFlags’:
oldClckwrksServerFlags x
= ["--base-uri",
"http://" ++ D.hostname x ++ ":" ++ show (D.port x) ++ "/",
"--http-port", ....]
When trying to build cabal-debian-4.32.2 in Stackage Nightly: