dduan / tre

Tree command, improved.
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updating lscolors #118

Closed plugwash closed 2 years ago

plugwash commented 2 years ago

I just fixed/updated the rust-tre package in Debian Unstable. Since in Debian we try to avoid multiple versions of the same crate this involved patching the lscolors dependency to version 0.10.

After patching the dependency the build failed due to new "bright" colors being added to lscolors::style::Color (aka lscolors::Color), these do not appear to have any direct equivilents in termcolor::Color.

lscolors offers a converter to convert it's values to ansi-term colors, in that converter the new colors are converted to numbered "ansi 256" colors, I did the same for the converter in tre-command.

A patch can be found at https://salsa.debian.org/rust-team/debcargo-conf/-/blob/master/src/tre-command/debian/patches/lscolors-0.10.diff

dduan commented 2 years ago

Thank you so much for helping with the packaging and coming up with the patch! I'm incorporating the patch in #119.