ddvk / rmfakecloud

host your own cloud for the remarkable
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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ui improvements #265

Open doebi opened 8 months ago

doebi commented 8 months ago

Okay, this weekend project has come to an end, it's time to wrap up..

Fully-browsable UI similar to reMarkable to support productivity and flow.


Choose between grid and list view.

2023-11-01_12-10_1 2023-11-01_12-10

Clean file preview with pagination and download button.


Create folders.


Drag and Drop in each folder to upload files.


Quick links to browse directories easily.


Filter tree for quick access to files.


Rarely used pages accessible from dropdown.


There is still a lot to be added or improved, but it is already a tremendous improvement over the previous "UI".

If you don't want to wait until this is merged, you can use my fork over at https://github.com/doebi/rmfakecloud or directly use the docker image from https://hub.docker.com/r/doebi/rmfakecloud/

Have fun!

feurer98 commented 8 months ago

I have tested the new frontend and I have currently reproduced an error several times:

Docker image version 5da631e

web: Something went wrong: Error: Two HTML5 backends cannot be used at the same time.

log: level=warning msg="Cannot read from ws websocket: close 1006 (abnormal closure): unexpected EOF"

for reproduction: 1) Log in 2) Track and drop file directly into the window 3) Error: Two HTML5 backends cannot be used at the same time. 4) Reload page 5) File is shown and is loaded up.

The error is not present on the start page for drag 'n' drop

Edit: It's only kossmetik but can you also use the whole height? and fixed in position. image

doebi commented 8 months ago

Hey Benjamin, I am glad you like my new UI and are able to run it.

As for the drag-and-drop upload: Judging from the error message, do you think this is related to you having multiple browser windows open? It is surely not perfect yet and could be improved with proper loading indicator, a progress bar and reliable tree update. So far I didn't have time to work on these, but feel free to contribute!

Regarding the other suggestions: You are right, there are some cosmetic changes that could still be made. My personal list of things I would like to see added or fixed is also very long. Once this is merged, I'd love to see more pull requests to contribute to my additions or fix potential errors.

I intentionally kept my changes scoped so it would be possible for the maintainer to merge them without having to work through a huge set of changes. @ddvk Are you considering in merging these changes anytime in the near future?

If not, we might consider continuing the iterative work over at my fork. @feurer98 Feel free to open individual issues with detailed descriptions there or even send PRs with fixes.


feurer98 commented 8 months ago

Hello Christoph

I tested again this morning and closed all windows and restarted the docker. All sessions should be closed accordingly. However, the error still occurs.

I have currently made a cherry-pick and taken everything from #262 and from you #265. I am also testing the influence with go 1.21

However, I have to say that I can mainly do python and hardware programming in C++. accordingly, react and go involve a lot of effort for me. ChatGPT and Google are great helpers for me, but the code quality certainly leaves a lot to be desired.

My list of what I would like to contribute to this project is relatively long (as an example the suport of the .RM V6 files #255, #234, #241 would also be interesting). However, skill and time is the limiting factor. But I will gladly put some energy into it and see what I can do to help.

feurer98 commented 6 months ago

I have found another error: When uploading PDF files, the extension must be .pdf and with the extension .PDF there is an error:

Something went wrong: Error: Minified React error #31; visit https://reactjs.org/docs/error-decoder.html?invariant=31&args[]=SyntaxError%3A%20Unexpected%20end%20of%20JSON%20input for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings.