Open rdobrik opened 1 year ago
This is strange - I compile all plugins with 1.8
and also for yaml editor plugin:
After downloading
When extracting /META-INF/MANIFEST.MF I got
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment: JavaSE-1.8
So the plugin should be executable with Java 8.
Please provide screenshots and/or log entries to clarify this.
By the way: You can run eclipse with another JDK/JRE and your project JDK can be completely different .
I was using yaml plugin in Eclipse for while, trying to install it now on my new machine, but looks like the latest version requires Java 17. I am still running Eclipse on Java 11, some incompatibility issues in my projects. Is there any chance to provide links to older version of YAML editor, compatible with Java 11?