deadfoxygrandpa / elm-test

A unit testing framework for Elm
MIT License
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Feature Request: Test Groups #6

Closed maxsnew closed 10 years ago

maxsnew commented 10 years ago

Right now when you run a test-suite one of 2 things happens

  1. Everything Passes and you get 1 line of output.
  2. At least 1 things fails and you get 1 line of output for each test case.

This doesn't scale to large test-suites. Preferably there should be a notion of a test group, which would control this printing at a finer scale. If everything in a test group passes you get 1 line but if anything fails you get only that test group expanding.

You can see the way HUnit handles this here:

deadfoxygrandpa commented 10 years ago

Yeah, I think this is the next obvious feature to add. I'll start thinking and trying out a few ideas.

deadfoxygrandpa commented 10 years ago

@maxsnew Check out the new suites branch. It lets you group tests into test suites and hides most of the output of a suite if it passes, only showing everything if the suite fails. It keeps most of the API the same.

maxsnew commented 10 years ago

Looks good for the most part. I'm going to try it out on the Elm test suite to see how it looks with tons of tests.

The one design decision I would question is only having one Test datatype. I think HUnit has a separate type for TestSuites and I think that would make sense:

data Test = TestCase Assertion | Suite TestSuite
data TestSuite = TestSuite String [Test]

Which I think would look nicer in that all of the runners could take TestSuites instead of a Test.

maxsnew commented 10 years ago

Here's the output from breaking a test that's deeply nested within test suites:

  22 suites run, containing 91 tests
  19 suites and 90 tests passed
  3 suites and 1 tests failed
Test Suite: Elm Standard Library Tests: FAILED
  Test Suite: List Tests: FAILED
      Test Suite: partition Tests: FAILED
            simple partition: passed.
            order check: passed.
            partition doc check 1: FAILED. Expected: ([0,0,2],[3,4,5]); got: ([0,1,2],[3,4,5])
            partition doc check 2: passed.
            partition stress test: passed.
      Test Suite: unzip Tests: all tests passed
      Test Suite: intersperse Tests: all tests passed
  Test Suite: String Tests: all tests passed
  Test Suite: Trampoline Tests: all tests passed
  Test Suite: Array Tests: all tests passed
  Test Suite: Dict Tests: all tests passed
  Test Suite: Set Tests: all tests passed

A huge improvement!

deadfoxygrandpa commented 10 years ago

Yeah, I was debating between having one or two datatypes, and I don't remember why I picked only one. After a couple weeks looking back at it, I think I made the wrong choice. I've basically turned every function into two functions mashed together with case

deadfoxygrandpa commented 10 years ago

Actually though, it looks like HUnit does use one data type:

data Test
    -- | A single, independent test case composed.
    = TestCase Assertion
    -- | A set of @Test@s sharing the same level in the hierarchy. 
    | TestList [Test]
    -- | A name or description for a subtree of the @Test@s.
    | TestLabel String Test

But I think I'll try splitting it up.

maxsnew commented 10 years ago

Hm maybe just leave it? It doesn't really matter.

deadfoxygrandpa commented 10 years ago

I guess so.

I still haven't implemented the Element runner in this branch. Is there anything else you think should improve before merging it in with master?

maxsnew commented 10 years ago

Nah just merge. Once you implement the Element runner and tag a release I'll send a pr to the Elm repo to use this.

deadfoxygrandpa commented 10 years ago

OK I'll try to get this done this weekend.

deadfoxygrandpa commented 10 years ago

I just implemented the Element runner, merged into master, and made a 0.3 release:

deadfoxygrandpa commented 10 years ago

And of course, I forgot to bump the version number in elm_dependencies.json, hence:

maxsnew commented 10 years ago

There's actually a new release of Elm coming this week ("0.12.1" I think, you can check the repo) so we need to update elm_dependencies.json again