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Local binary build #294

Closed jhgorse closed 2 months ago

jhgorse commented 2 months ago


Thank you for this project. It is a real life saver.

Hopefully quick question, how do I use this to build/reproduce the deadsnakes build for a specific ubuntu python release locally? Say for example, ubuntu/jammy python3.11.3.

I can see some hints in and the build logs, but can't quite get Docker to kick off. Thoughts?

Cheers, Joe

asottile commented 2 months ago

it's just standard gbp (or you can skip gbp and use the dpkg building tools)

unfortunately I don't have the time to teach you for free but there are plenty of resources out there

jhgorse commented 2 months ago

Thank you for writing.

For anyone who comes along and tries to reproduce, here are my breadcrumbs for ubuntu 22.04.4:

sudo apt-get install git dpkg-dev devscripts git-buildpackage
git config --global 'Anthony Sottile (deadsnakes)'
git config --global ''
export DEBFULLNAME='Anthony Sottile (deadsnakes)'
export DEBEMAIL=''
gpg --generate-key

git clone -b debian/3.11.3-1+jammy2
git clone
# patch ./runbooks/build to include `--git-ignore-branch` where you see `--git-pristine-tar`
cd python3.11 && ../runbooks/build --git-build

It was not and is still not obvious what branch was supposed to be used for the deadsnakes/python3.11 repository. I suspect that is why I needed to add --git-ignore-branch. None of the update or import scripts appeared to run successfully or give useful error messages regarding the assumed initial state.

This did build and pass the runbooks/quick-test.

Cheers, Joe

asottile commented 2 months ago

that's definitely not correct and please don't impersonate me

jhgorse commented 2 months ago


Where did the debian folder come from? Is this a copy from their package management team?

asottile commented 2 months ago

unfortunately I don't have the time to teach you for free but there are plenty of resources out there