deadtrickster / prometheus-cowboy

Expose Prometheus metrics using cowboy/cowboy2
MIT License
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Enable .ez creation via rebar3 archive #2

Closed gerhard closed 5 years ago

gerhard commented 5 years ago

The resulting .ez file that can be added to RabbitMQ as a plugin, which in turn is a dependency of the enabling prometheus_rabbitmq_exporter plugin.

The main requirement is that the Erlang version used to compile the .beam files that end up in the .ez is the same version (or older) than the version used to run RabbitMQ. For example, if the Erlang used to compile is 21.0, RabbitMQ can be run on Erlang >= 21.0, but not earlier version. The platform doesn't matter (it's OK to compile & build the .ez on Darwin and run on Linux).

Make git ignore *.ez files

gerhard commented 5 years ago

Required for deadtrickster/prometheus_rabbitmq_exporter#63

@deadtrickster after merge, can you publish a new version to please so that I can reference as an dependency? E.g.:

dep_prometheus_cowboy = hex $(PROMETHEUS_COWBOY_VERSION)